! Indonesia Gets A Grant 5 Foxconn Electric Bus, What's The Impact?

YOGYAKARTA The Indonesian government received a grant of five Foxconn electric buses from Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) and PT Indika Energy Tbk (Indika Energy) through a joint venture (JV) company PT Foxconn Indika Motor (FIM).

The Foxtron-branded electric bus handover ceremony was held in Nusa Dua, Bali on Monday, November 14, 2022. The event was attended by the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahil Lahadalia, President Director of Indika Energy Arsjad Rasjid and Chaiman Foxconn Young Liu.

In the event, Bahlil stated his commitment to provide support and facilitation of Foxconn's investment plan through the Joint Venture (JV) with Indika Energy in supporting the development of the electric vehicle industry ecosystem in Indonesia.

The presence of Foxconn is something that has been waiting for a long time. No one can debate the quality of its products and Foxconn's contribution to the global world, let alone the issue of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Today Foxconn will enter Indonesia to build an electric vehicle battery ecosystem starting from electric buses. We will also encourage battery cells and other industries," Bahlil said, quoted by VOI from ANTARA, Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

On this occasion, Bahlil also emphasized that Indonesia does not give special treatment to one of certain countries to invest in Indonesia.

All countries are the same in the eyes of Indonesia, including Foxconn from Taiwan which contributes to driving New Renewable Energy (EBT) and the green industry in Indonesia.

Foxconn Electric Bus for Support G20 Summit

Indika Energy President Director Arsjad Rasjid said his party and Foxconn donated five electric buses to support the activities of B20 Summit and the G20 as well as promote green mobility.

Through the company JV Indika Energy and Foxconn, namely Foxconn Indika Motor (FIM), this collaboration aims to support Indonesia as one of the main players in the electric vehicle ecosystem.

The FIM is a joint venture between PT Mitra Motor Group (MMG), a subsidiary of Indika Energy and Foxteq Singapore Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Foxconn.

We see the potential for the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia to reduce emissions. This collaboration is the beginning of the comprehensive development of Indonesia's electric vehicle ecosystem for a sustainable future," said Arsjad.

In line with Arsjad, Foxconn Chairman Young Liu also expressed his enthusiasm to support emission reduction and increased use of electric vehicles.

Youngh Liu said, Indonesia has great potential in terms of green mobility. Especially with the capital city of the archipelago which is planned to utilize green energy with mass transportation connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Today's event celebrates the friendship between Foxconn, Indika Energy, and the Indonesian government. We show our commitment to support the government's target towards a cleaner, greener, and smarter Indonesia Gold 2045," Liu said.

Foxconn Electric Bus Implementation

Foxtron-branded electric buses donated by Foxconn and Indika Energy have a capacity of 45 people and were used during the B20 and G20 meetings to escort important guests down from the plane to the arrival room at Ngurah Rai Airport.

In addition, the electric bus also functions as a shuttle for important guests during the B20 and G20 meeting activities.

The full name of this electric bus is Foxtron Model T. This bus uses camera mirrors and is packed with additional components on the cabin, especially for safety, such as APAR, spare tires, and passenger partitions.

In terms of shape, the Foxtron Model T bus is very simple. Because the shape cuts without a sharp line pulling. Not only that, the shape of the front light is also minimalist, but looks futurustis and simple.

This is information about Foxconn electric buses.