Prosecutors Consider Appealing After Hakim Reads Indra Kenz's Sentence

TANGERANG Indra Kenz was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 5 billion. Previously, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) demanded that the defendant in the money laundering case (TPPU) and the Binomo investment fraud be 15 years in prison.

Responding to the judge's decision, the prosecutor considered the appeal.

"We, as public prosecutors, after the verdict is read, report directly to the leadership, appeal decision or not, waiting for the leadership's decision," said Public Prosecutor Prima when confirmed, Tuesday, November 15.

However, the prosecutor has seven days after the verdict is handed down or the verdict is notified against the defendant.

The verdict trial for Indra Kusuma alias Indra Kenz was held at the Tangerang District Court, Monday afternoon, November 14. Indra Kenz was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 5 billion. In addition, Indra Kenz's confiscated assets were taken over by the state.