Sulastri Finally Escapes To Become A Policewoman, NasDem: The Current National Police Chief Is Extraordinary

JAKARTA - The North Maluku Police finally passed Sulastri, a prospective NCO student who had failed due to age. Member of the House of Representatives from the NasDem Faction Hillary Brigitta Lasut expressed her relief for the policy.

"Praise God, all parties have the best way, and the National Police Chief is currently extraordinary. Not necessarily the self-improvement of the institution can happen as well and in this agreement if the National Police Chief is not Mr. Listyo Sigit," Hillary said in her statement, Tuesday, November 15.

The youngest member of the DPR admitted that many netizens were marked on social media when Sulastri was dismissed from attending education as a policewoman.

The son of a farmer from the Sula Islands, North Maluku was dismissed as a NCO for the National Police. Sulastri was suddenly replaced by the nephew of a police officer with the rank of AKBP. The incident was widely discussed by the public.

"Within less than 5 hours after the open letter, people's aspirations were sent, immediately received attention, and even added quota. The results are better than expected, where the 4 best North Maluku daughters are now policewomen. I hope that in the future they will be the protectors of a reliable society," he said.

Brigitta said that as representatives of the people, they should fight for the aspirations of the people. Moreover, for young Indonesians who need help.

"I only do my part because it is our job to represent the people of millennials to fight for the aspirations of the people, especially the interests of millennials," said Brigitta.

Sulastri also sent a message of gratitude to Brigitta via her personal social media.

"Ready to thank you, sis. I am personally proud of you. One of the women who upholds justice is high. My family and I thank you very much," said Sulastri.