Pelindo Hopes The Cibitung-Cilincing Section 4 Tolls Can Be Accommodated At The End Of November 2022

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) through PT Access Pelabuhan Indonesia is optimizing the construction of the 7.29 km Cibitung-Cilincing (JTCC) toll road Section 4 project so that it can be completed by the end of November 2022.

"We are speeding the construction on the Tarumajaya-Cilincing section, only about 600 meters left," said PT Pelindo President Director Arif Suhartono in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 15.

Arif said the 34.77 km Cibitung-Cilincing toll road would be the main focus of the flow of goods from eastern Jakarta.

According to him, in this area there are many large-scale industrial areas, such as Jababeka Industrial Estate, MM2100 Industrial Town BFIE, and Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC).

"There are more than 60 percent of export goods through Tanjung Priok coming from the hinterland in eastern Jakarta," he said.

Meanwhile, API Director Iwan Ridwan explained that so far the flow of goods from eastern Jakarta to Tanjung Priok passes through the Cikampek toll road, then enters the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Section E2 and E3 through the Cikunir Interchange (Ramp) to Cilincing, then connects to Tanjung Priok via Section N.

He said, from Ramp Cikunir to Tanjung Priok it was 18.87 km away, while Cibitung-Cikunir was about 14 km.

"In normal conditions, this route can be reached in about an hour. But during peak hours such as in the afternoon, the travel time can be over two hours," he said.

Iwan said that in the future container trucks no longer need to pass Cibitung-Cikunir-Cilincing, but can turn into the Cibitung-Cilincing toll road.

Judging from the distance, the Cibitung-Cilincing toll road is about 2 km longer, but access will be much smoother than Cibitung-Cikunir-Cilincing because the traffic will not mix much with private vehicles.

As is known, until October 2022, the toll road has partially operated, namely Sections 1, 2, and 3 which connects Cibitung-Tarumajaya as far as 27.5 km.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated Section 2 (Telaga Asih-Gabus) for 10.1 km, and Section 3 (Gabus Tarumajaya) for 14.4 km on September 20. Meanwhile, the Cibitung-Cilincing Section 1 (Cibitung-Telaga Asih) toll road has been operating since July 31, 2021.

In addition to smoothing the flow of goods to Tanjung Priok, the Cibitung-Cilincing toll road is considered to reduce the burden on the Cikampek-Jakarta toll road.

The daily traffic (LHR) of toll roads, which have been operating since November 19, 1988, is very high.

Jasa Marga data shows that the highest daily traffic on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road in the first semester of 2022 has reached 443,000 vehicles per day. Meanwhile, the highest LHR in JORR Section E has around 110 thousand vehicles.