Remember The Date! This Is The Peak Of Aditya Meteor Rain That Can Be Witnessed Throughout Indonesia

JAKARTA - Towards the end of the year, the central sky is decorated with the 2022 Danish shower. Because this phenomenon is ongoing, we can see it streaking across the night sky.

But this sight is not very clear if it is not at its peak. Dubbed Leonid because it comes from the constellation Leo. Leonid's meteor shower starts on November 6 and will continue until November 30.

The peak occurs from November 17 to 18, about 10 to 15 meteors per hour will be clearly visible at this time. However, the light from the Moon, which faded in the last quarter, could complicate the condition of observation, although it is not impossible to see it.

capisitas memiliki periode aktivitas yang relatif singkat sekitar tiga minggu, hanya di bawah setengah dari hujan meteor Orionid yang baru saja berakhir.

The best time to find and maximize the chances of finding Leonid is between midnight and hours before dawn, when Earth faces incoming meteoroids.

enables meteor showers are best seen from the northern hemisphere, although they are also visible from the southern hemisphere. Leonid is the fastest meteor ever recorded at a speed of about 70km per second, and often leaves a trailing trail.

This year, Leonid achieved maximum activity on the Moon fading in the last quarter of the Moon's cycle. The moon had about 43 percent illumination on November 17, which fell to 33 percent on November 18, so conditions are not ideal but at least it's not the full moon.

Interestingly, Leonid's meteor shower can be seen throughout Indonesia. You just need to be under a bright sky, and minimal light. Watching the meteor shower Leonid is enough to use the naked eye.

For information quoted from Science Focus, Monday, November 14, Leonids is the result of a 55P/Tempel-Tuttle Comet while traveling around the Sun. As Earth moves through traces of dust and debris left by this comet, these particles interact with Earth's atmosphere, resulting in traces of excited atoms.

In turn, it will produce light seen as a meteor or a falling star. In astronomical terms, the Tempel-Tuttle Comet is a relatively small comet, with a core of only 3.6 km.

The Tempel-Tuttle comet has an orbital period of 33.22 years, so because it is less than 200 years it makes it a periodic comet. Finally reached the perihelion, the closest approach to comet to the Sun in 1998, and will return again in 2031