Take The Summons To Polda Metro Jaya, FPI: Rizieq Will Be Present

JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab plans to fulfill the summons for examination as a suspect in a case of alleged crowd violation and health protocol (prokes). Rizieq ordered his team of lawyers to retrieve the summons from Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

"We will take this, right to arrest there is a letter, there is a letter summons to be examined to come, so we take it now, when is the time we will, Insyaallah, fulfill it," said FPI lawyer Aziz Yanuar to reporters, Friday, December 11.

Aziz explained that Rizieq's decision to take the summons for investigation as a suspect was based on several considerations. One of them is to prevent clashes between FPI and the police as before.

He added that this attitude shows Rizieq Shihab is cooperative and subject to the law as a citizen.

"These considerations may actually be possible but not a basis, we are essentially proactive for law enforcement and we do not intend to complicate this process," he explained.

"That's why we are proactive before sending it, before the police bother to come, we will come here," he said.

The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab was named a suspect in a case of alleged crowd violations and health protocols. Determination of the suspect based on the results of the case title.

"There are 6 who have been named as suspects. First the organizer is MRS's brother (Rizieq Shihab)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Thursday, December 10.

Not only Rizieq, the police also named five other suspects. They include, Chairperson of the Akad Nikah Committee Haris Ubaidilah, Secretary of the Akad Nikah Committee Ali Alatas, Responsible for Security Maman Suryadi, Responsible for Akad Nikah Events Ahmad Sobri Lubis, and Head of the Akad Nikah Event Section Idrus.

Yusri said that in this case investigators applied a different article to the suspects. Especially for Rizieq, the police used Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code.

"The first is that as the organizer, MRS's own brother is presumed in Articles 160 and 216 (KUHP)," he said.

Article 160 of the Criminal Code contains incitement to committing violence and not complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years in prison or a fine of Rp. 4,500.

Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions. The threat is imprisonment of four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp9,000.

Meanwhile, other suspects were only charged under Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Under this regulation they are threatened with one year imprisonment or a Rp100 million fine.