IPW: Police ReformMulai Sejak Recruitment Demi Terwujud Polisi Idaman Masyarakat

Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso said reforms within the National Police must begin from the personnel recruitment process to realize the ideal police of the community.

This was summarized in a public discussion of the "Civil Police Idaman Masyarakat" held by the NKRI Student and Youth Corps (Kompan) in Serang City, Banten, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 13.

"In the police recruitment, there is one principle that the police must determine, namely clean, transparent, accountable, and humanist," said Sugeng in a written statement, Monday, November 14.

The National Police itself, said Sugeng, has experienced many reforms, ranging from structural reforms that were previously under the TNI to now directly under the President with the aim of not using violent methods in acting.

"This cultural reform has not been successful, which is not working," he said.

He then gave an example, a case that needs attention, namely the 2022 National Police NCO Candidate (Casis) named Sulastri Irwan from the Sula Islands, North Maluku, who had not passed the age factor as a chassis was reported to have passed the final determinant committee selection (pantukhir).

"In the Sulastri phenomenon, there is a polemic that makes the public increasingly distrust the police institution. Sulastri admitted that she had graduated until she passed, the police said she did not pass, then said that the age limit passed the conditions when it was announced. Well, that's a phenomenon that needs attention," he said.

For this reason, Sugeng emphasized that for the sake of Polri reform to produce the ideal civilian police of the community, all parties at the community must play an active role in building the police in good ways.

"The police must be invited to dialogue, we must become friends of the police to educate," he said.