Marketing Strategy Steps With Research From The World Of Health

YOGYAKARTA - For many doctors, the only problem with marketing strategy is the problem of advertising in local newspapers, redequating waiting rooms or making direct deliveries to people in the community.

But this is a haphazard approach that will result in a little more for your training than draining his marketing budget.

The key to successfully marketing your practices begins by developing a strategic marketing plan in which every activity is based on solid research and specific objectives, and is implemented and carefully evaluated at the right time. The plan serves as a roadmap to help you achieve your marketing goals.

Some doctors still feel that marketing is the least professional and the worst unethical.

In fact, good marketing is nothing more than educating your patients and communities about your expertise and services, and there are many reasons to do it, not everything is purely financial-based.

Namun, jika Anda ingin menentukan nilai setiap pasien baru untuk praktik Anda, menghut rata-rata pendapatan yang dihasilkan 10 pasien baru selama 12 bulan pertama mereka bersama Anda.

You may consider marketing your practices for one or all of the following reasons: to increase your income, expand your patient base, prevent competition, improve your image of your practices, promote current and new services, introduce new providers, enter new markets or gain profits or gains, maintain market share.

Whatever your motivation, make sure to engage your staff from the start. Share the reason you are marketing with them, and ask for their ideas.

If your staff is not involved earlier, it will be difficult to convince them to support marketing plans and do additional work that goes with them.

There are several main steps needed to develop a well-made strategic marketing plan: set your marketing goals, conduct marketing audits, conduct market research, research analysis, identify your target audience, determine budgets, develop special marketing strategies, develop implementation schedules for strategies and make evaluation processes.

1. Set your marketing goals. Once you decide to market your practices, you need to set realistic and measurable goals to be achieved over the next 18 to 24 months.

This time range allows you to plan activities around community events that are in line with your marketing goals.

For example, you can help sponsor annual walkathon for breast cancer or talk at your community's annual health exhibition.

Due to the rapid changes that occur in health care environments, we don't recommend planning special activities more than two years earlier.

One way to determine your goal is to separate it into the following three categories: immediately, one to six months; short term, six to 12 months; and long term, 12 to 24 months.

Here are some examples of measurable goals:

It's important to share this goal with your staff members. They can tell you from their point of view whether they think that goal makes sense.

1. If you want your marketing plan to work, your staff needs to support your efforts to achieve marketing goals.

2. Melakukan audit pemasaran. Audit pemasaran adalah review atas semua aktivitas pemasaran yang telah terjadi dalam praktik Anda selama tiga tahun terakhir. Teliti, pastikan untuk meninjau setiap pengumuman, aklan, iklan buku telepon, open house, pembajang dan seminar dan evaluasi apakah itu berhasil.

3. Do market research. The purpose of market research is to draw a realistic picture of your practice, the community you practice, and your current position in the community.

With this research, you can make quite accurate projections about the growth of society in the future, identify competition factors, and explore non-traditional opportunities (such as offering nutrition counseling to patients, smoking stop programs, or massage therapy).

Your research can even reveal some areas of trouble in your practice as well as solutions that you can implement immediately. (See Market research guidelines to find out what kind of information you need to collect and where to find it.)

Doing market research is often the most time-consuming step in this process. However, that is also one of the most important steps.

From this research you can find out what is best of your practice and what you need to do, what your community needs, who should be targeted by your practice and how you should do it.

4. Analyzing research. Next, you need to analyze the raw data you collect and summarize them into meaningful findings that will form the basis for determining which marketing strategy makes the most sense and will get the best results for your practice. the current patient and potential patient and will help you to determine your target audience (to be further about the target audience, look at step 5, below).

It's also the right time to revisit the goals you've chosen. Based on your research findings, you may need to change some of your goals.

5. Identification of the target audience. With the help of your market research analysis, you should be able to identify your practice "target audience", which is a specific group of patients you want to direct to your marketing efforts.

Your target audit may include patients with certain age, gender, location, type of payer, or language/ethnics and patients with certain clinical needs.

Remember that your target audience should not only be the patient you want to pull, but also people who can influence and provide exposure to the segment of the population.

For example, if you want to treat patients with joint inflammation, you may want to be involved in the local and regional Arthritis Foundation and explore senior organizations in society.

If you want to take care of young athletes, you can consider giving lectures on sports safety and first aid tips to coaches and athletes at local high schools, colleges, and YMCAs.

The key to marketing lies in targeting audiences that can be served by practice rather than your competitors and communicating them to the group.

6. Fix a budget. Before you can decide what specific marketing strategy you want to implement to achieve your goals, you need to check your financial information and create a marketing budget.

The marketing budget varies according to the type of market where the practice is, the age of the practice, and whether the practice has been marketed previously.

There is no standard for how many exercises to spend.

However, in our experience, practice in the open market has cost 3 percent to 5 percent of their annual gross revenue for marketing.

If your practice is new, in a very competitive market or has never been marketed before, or if you intend to launch an ambitious new program or service, you can expect to spend 10 percent or more of annual gross revenue in your first year implementing the plan.

7. Develop marketing strategies. With your budget, you can start determining specific marketing strategies that will achieve your goals, reach your target audience, and build your patient base.

Remember to focus your strategy on elements of your practice that can be used to create special values in the minds of patients and reference sources. Each strategy must be related to a specific goal and must consist of many actions.

For example, one strategy related to the goal of increasing patient satisfaction is to make the office more patient-friendly.

8. Developing the implementation schedule. The implementation schedule is a timeline that shows which marketing action will be carried out when and by whom. The schedule must also cover the cost of every marketing action and how it is in accordance with budget forecasts for a period of 24 months.

When making a schedule, carefully consider how activities will affect current practice operations and whether there are sufficient resources (such as staff, time, and money) to complete the necessary tasks.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reduce the list or delay some activities.

In other cases, it may be best to continue the full implementation of your plans.

If you want to completely implement the plan but don't have staff resources, you can consider bringing in consultants to coordinate marketing activities and/or add part-time staff members to handle most marketing tasks.

The implementation schedule will also give you the basis for monitoring the progress of your marketing plans.

9. Create an evaluation process. The value of the marketing plan is its effectiveness, which requires implementation and monitoring and evaluation of intentional and timely results.

It is important to measure your results against the standards you set in setting your goals.

Review your plans regularly (we recommend every three months) by comparing your progress with the implementation schedule. There are several ways to quantify your progress: patient survey scores, referral sources, revenue increases, new patient increases, and lower complaints.

So after knowing the steps of the marketing strategy, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!