Support Digitalization, Ministry Of Industry Builds The Indonesian Digital Industry Center 4.0

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has built the Indonesian Digital Industry Center 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) as an effort to provide a one-stop solution to the implementation of industry 4.0 in Indonesia, which is also a window for Making Indonesia 4.0 for the world.

The goal is to accelerate digital transformation in the industrial sector in order to increase productivity and competitiveness.

"According to the World Economic Forum (2020), there are 97 million new jobs that will emerge along with the adaptation of the division of types of work between humans, machines, and algorithms. Thus, the government encourages the improvement of the skills and competencies of industrial human resources, especially regarding digitalization according to the current needs of the industrial world," said Head of the Industry's Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI). Ministry of Industry, Gunawan Current in Jakarta, Monday, November 14.

He said that one of the efforts that had been made by PIDI 4.0 in accelerating industry 4.0 was through organizing training in collaboration with industry and other stakeholders.

An example is that PIDI 4.0 collaborates with PT. Festo and Batam State Polytechnic to organize Pneumatic & Total Preventive Maintenance training.

"The purpose of the collaboration is as an effort to upskill industrial human resources with human resources from PT Infineon Technologies Batam as a participant in the training. Training has been opened at the Batam State Polytechnic some time ago," said Arus.

According to him, the training participants were given basic skills and competencies for technology applications in the semiconductor industry.

"The implementation of this training is also a follow-up to the German-Indonesia Round Table Business Meeting at the PIDI 4.0 building in June 2022, as a series of agendas for the President of the German Federal Republic Frank-Walter Steinmeier's visit to Indonesia," said Arus.

Meanwhile, the Director of PIDI 4.0, Tirta Wisnu Permana said, the demands for the development of semiconductor industries in Indonesia are in line with the acceleration of industrial transformation of 4.0. This is because the semiconductor industrial sector is the heart of the digital industry.

"Currently, there is an increase in the need for chips to meet the electronics, telecommunications equipment, and electric vehicles, both for the fulfillment of domestic and global markets, so that the Ministry of Industry is here to spur the growth of the semi-conductor industry," said Vishnu.

Furthermore, Wisnu said, some time ago the signing of the MoU was also carried out ceremonially between PIDI 4.0 and PT Surya Sarana Dynamics (SSD) in Batam.

"Through the signing of the MoU, PIDI 4.0 welcomes PT SSD as part of the ecosystem in PIDI 4.0," he said.

For your information, the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI has held a 2022 Program/Activity Evaluation Meeting and the preparation of the 2023 Program/Activity Plan as an effort to strengthen the PIDI 4.0 collaboration with partners.

This activity was attended by 35 PIDI 4.0 partners consisting of 31 industrial partners, three universities, and one academy technology partner.

With this increased cooperation and partnership, PIDI 4.0, partner industries, and other stakeholders are expected to strengthen the industrial ecosystem 4.0 and make a significant contribution to the development of the digital industry in Indonesia.