5 Ways To Take Care Of Health Usus For Better Implementation

JAKARTA - You must have experienced digestive disorders such as stomach pain, heart disease, nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. If it happens occasionally, it's still natural because who knows the cause for applying the wrong diet. However, when these symptoms often occur, it would be nice to immediately address them because they can cause serious problems, such as influencing a person's nutritional adequacy status.

Launching Hopkins Medicine, Monday, November 14, the digestive system has the main function of turning food into a nutrient that the body needs. Nutrition is, among other things, necessary for the process of development, repair of body cells, including as a source of daily energy.

Changes in diet and lifestyle can have a positive impact on improving the health of a person's digestive system. Here are five research-based ways that can be applied to maintain gut health.

The correct food is a food that contains a lot of fiber such as fruit and vegetables. Fiber in food builds good bacteria that are tasked with maintaining the health of the intestines. Other foods that can build a healthy digestive system include phfis, fermented milk drinks similar to yogurt and are rich in probiotics and fermented foods or other dishes such asKANs, sauerkrauts, and ginger spills.

Adequate sleep can also disturb the health of the intestines. Lack of sleep is closely related to obesity. If the body is obese, you will gradually experience digestive system disorders. For this reason, meet your daily sleep needs for at least 8 hours per day, yes.

Low liquid intake is a common cause of constipation or constipation. Experts recommend drinking 5066 ounces (1.52 liters) of non-caffeinous liquid per day to prevent constipation. However, you may need more if you live in a hot climate or routinely exercise with heavy intensity. Another way to help meet your fluid intake needs is to include fruits and vegetables that are high in water, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, heating, grapeifruits.

Like other health aspects, exercise is the best way to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight to ward off digestive system problems. If you are not used to heavy exercise, then just do it light first. At least, spend 30 minutes of exercise every day.

In addition to food and rest, you are also asked to manage stress well to prevent unwanted digestive pain. The healthy lifestyle you live will be in vain if you are not good at managing stress properly. When a lot of pressure is on the rise, try relaxing therapy along with other distraction techniques.