At The G20 Forum, Kadin Committed To Socialize The Personal Data Protection Law Among Entrepreneurs

BALI (Kadin) Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has just inaugurated a collaboration with the Directorate General of Informatics Applications (Ditjen Aptika) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to assist the government in socializing Law No. 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (UU PDP).

Deputy General Chairperson (WKU) for Communication and Information at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Firlie Ganinduto said this synergy is the support and commitment of the business world in protecting and protecting personal data in the national business community.

"Kadin as the umbrella for business organizations in Indonesia has a mandatory obligation to socialize the PDP Law to the public and business actors under the auspices of associations," he said in Nusa Dua, Bali on Monday, November 14.

According to Firlie, the PDP Law is a guideline and effort to protect public personal data to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens or personal data subjects from cyber-based crimes that have recently occurred.

"This PDP Law is good for the growth of the business world and can help turn the wheels of the Indonesian economy," he said.

Firlie added that the presence of the PDP Law also coincided with the birth of new jobs, in this case, data protection officers.

"Not only that, the existence of the PDP Law can also raise awareness for companies to strengthen their security, especially the company's cyber security part," he stressed.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Aptika, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said that the presence of the PDP Law is the key in the era of the digital economy, so that people can carry out activities in the digital world safely and comfortably.

He also revealed that the PDP Law is also used as a sign for the community and business actors in carrying out activities in the digital world.

"Through the signing of this collaboration, it aims to increase the capacity, quality, and skills of people's resources and business actors so that they are wise in providing personal data on the internet. This is also a form of support and guidance related to digital literacy which is currently being intensified," he said.

For information, PDP Law No. 27 of 2022 includes definitions and scope, the principle of law, types of personal data, the rights of personal data subjects, processing of personal data, principles and the basis for processing personal data, joint controllers, controlling obligations and professors of personal data as well as transfer of personal data.

In addition, the regulation also regulates administrative, institutional, international cooperation, community participation, dispute resolution and procedural law, prohibitions on the use of personal data, criminal provisions, to the provisions for the transition and closure of personal data.

Meanwhile, the collaboration established is a form of commitment from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to ensure the presence of PDP authority agencies as a mandate from the law will be in line and in accordance with the special conditions of the industry, so that there is no overlap with the current regulations.