KPK Reminds Regional Heads Winning Pilkada Do Not Use Position For Their Own Interest

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the elected regional heads in the 2020 Pilkada to carry out their governance cleanly and far from the practice of rasuah. The KPK also reminded these regional heads not to use their positions for their own and their group's interests.

"The KPK does not want public officials elected through the political process to take advantage of public office for personal or group gain. On the other hand, the KPK hopes that the elected regional head will use his authority to determine public policies aimed at the interests and for the welfare of the people," said Acting Spokesman. The KPK in the field of prevention, Ipi Maryati, was quoted as saying in his written statement, Friday, December 11.

This kind of warning, he continued, was often conveyed by the KPK through debriefing of participants and organizers of the 2020 Pilkada in 270 regions. In addition, through this activity, the KPK also explained to regional head candidates the potential for corruption and vulnerable points in the administration of regional governments. Including, a number of corruption cases that ensnare regional heads.

"The hope is that the regional head candidates will later be able to avoid the risk of corruption after being elected and taking office," he said.

There are five corruption modes for regional heads that the KPK often finds. First, intervention in regional expenditure activities starting from the procurement of goods and services; placement and management of regional cash; implementation of grants and social assistance (bansos); asset management; to the placement of local government capital in BUMD or third parties.

Second, the KPK found a mode of intervention in regional revenues ranging from local taxes and levies; regional revenue from the center; to cooperation with other parties. Third, intervention in licensing starting from providing recommendations; issuance of licenses; until blackmail.

The fourth mode of regional head corruption is related to conflicts of interest in the process of procuring goods and services; rotation, transfer, promotion, and concurrent positions. Finally, abuse of authority in the position auction process.

"The KPK hopes that these corruption modes will no longer be carried out. As a precautionary measure, the KPK will oversee the implementation of the elected regional heads' commitment to eradicating corruption by implementing eight areas of intervention to improve regional governance," concluded Ipi.