Quote Minister Of Home Affairs Tito, Inspector General Fadil: Allowing The Crowd To Be The Same, Letting The People Kill Each Other

JAKARTA - Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran emphasized that he would take firm action against any community group or organization involved in the crowd in the COVID-19 pandemic mass. Therefore, the crowd will only have an impact on the transmission of a very dangerous virus.

"Now, if we continue to allow the crowd to occur, that is the name of the Minister of Home Affairs (Tito Karnavian), letting us kill each other," Fadil told reporters, Friday, December 11.

In the prosecution, Inspector General Fadil said that he would apply multiple articles to violators. Starting from Article 93 of Law Number (UU) 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine to Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning Incitement to Commit Violence and Not Complying with the provisions of the Law and Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions.

With the use of this article, all parties involved in the crowd will be ensnared. So, it is hoped that there will no longer be crowds that only have a bad impact.

"I have to enforce the law firmly, there is no backward gear, we have to solve this," he said.

In addition, decisive action was also carried out aimed at reducing the transmission rate of COVID-19. Because, if you refer to data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the death rate due to COVID-19 has reached 2,800 cases.

"So why do we take strict action against the perpetrators of violations of the Law concerning health protocols, namely because the risk is so great. The transmission chain of COVID-19 is still happening. Jakarta's positivity rate today is still at 9.5 percent," he said. .