The Largest Investment Over The Last 10 Years, PLTA Kayan Will Become Jokowi's Legacy For Clean Energy

BALI - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko said the Kayan hydropower project in North Kalimantan was a new era of the energy production process in Indonesia.

According to him, the Kayan hydropower plant is proof that Indonesia is able to carry out productive activities in line with environmentally friendly principles.

"This is the history and answer to the future," he said in Nusa Dua, Bali on Sunday, November 13.

Moeldoko added that the government fully supports the steps taken by PLN and Sumitomo KHE which have been able to realize this national strategic project into reality.

"When I first reported this project to the President, he immediately welcomed and gave directions for immediate development," he said.

For information, the Kayan hydropower plant has a capacity of 9,000 megawatts with an investment value of a total of 17.8 billion US dollars.

This latest facility will later accelerate the intentions of the Indonesian government in the Paris Agreement and CPOP26 regarding the green economy.

"December we will groundbreaking," he said.

Moeldoko also said that the Kayan hydropower plant is an important part of President Jokowi's government.

The reason is, this infrastructure facility is the largest investment project in almost 10 years.

"This will be a legacy from Pak Jokowi's government," he concluded.