NasDem-PKS Discusses Omnibus Law While Eating Kebuli Rice

JAKARTA - PKS fulfilled the agenda of a reciprocal visit to the DPP NasDem Party today. President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Sohibul Iman accompanied by PKS Secretary General Mustafa Kamal. They were welcomed by the Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Johny Gerrard Plate and Deputy General Chairman of the NasDem, Hatta Ali.

At 12.45 WIB, the group that came immediately went up to the 5th floor of the NasDem DPP building in the Gondangdia area, Central Jakarta. There, the Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, was waiting by preparing a dish of kebuli rice and mutton to be eaten together.

As parties that both have seats in the Indonesian Parliament, the NasDem Party and PKS eat their meals while discussing the draft omnibus law. Omnibus law is a rule that includes more than one aspect combined into one law.

"Earlier, Bang Surya mentioned what is currently being discussed in the DPR RI, which is related to the omnibus law," said Sohibul at the location, Wednesday, January 29.

What is currently in the spotlight is the omibus law on creation of employment. There are 79 laws that appear with a total of 1,244 articles which are revised at once and will produce one omnibus law. It is hoped that the omnibus law can solve the problem of overlapping legislation regarding employment.

The formation of the omnibus law is in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Jokowi asked the government and the DPR to draft an omnibus law regarding job creation and taxation within 100 days.

In response, the General Chairman of NasDem Surya Paloh doubted that the target of forming an omnibus law in about three months would be on target. However, he thinks he is optimistic about the target.

"It is not wrong to set the target, it is important. Timeframe must exist, but not with an automatic view that everything is done just like that. There must be improvements and revisions on the right and left. and that is understandable, "said Paloh.

In addition, as a party that is not within the scope of government, PKS advised NasDem that the government should not work easily in handling the planning of the omnibus law.

In addition, PKS President Sohibul Iman said that the government should be aware of bad accusations regarding the omnibus law that led to hoaxes in society. The reason is, until now the draft regulation has not been in the hands of the DPR.

"Don't let the omnibus law have not been submitted to the DPR, but then a draft that is difficult to account for will emerge. I think it will create a bad perception before the law actually exists," said Sohibul.

PKS elite meeting with NasDem Party elites at the NasDem Party Office (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

For information, the NasDem Party and PKS are reportedly getting closer after the General Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh visited PKS President Sohibul Iman on October 30, 2019.

During the meeting, the two political party leaders reached a point of understanding. In fact, according to PKS Secretary General Mustafa Kamal, Surya Paloh considers PKS to be the elder brother of the NasDem Party.

Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party Willy Aditya admitted that although there was no specific discussion, codes in that direction appeared at the meeting at the PKS headquarters.

As is known, the NasDem Party currently has 59 seats in the central parliament or 10.3 percent. PKS has 50 seats or 8.21 percent. The pencapresan threshold, so far, is 20 percent of parliamentary seats or 25 percent of the national legal vote. The political codes for the 2024 Pillpres revolve around this issue.

Willy said that what was implied as a code in the meeting regarding the speaker of political calculations, if the NasDem and PKS unite, there is only a little less to reach 20 percent.