83.78 Percent Of Central Bangka Residents Have BEEN Vaccinated With The First Dose

BANGKA BELITUNG - Central Bangka District Health Office, Bangka Belitung Islands Province noted that 83.78 percent of residents had received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or 128,414 people from 153,277 targeted residents.
"Meanwhile, 109,819 people have received the second dose of vaccine or 71.65 percent, the third dose (of boosters) is 47,409 people or 30.92 and 411 people have received the fourth dose of vaccine," said Head of the Central Bangka Health Service Anas quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 13.
He explained that there were six groups of residents who were targeted for vaccination, namely health human resources (HRK), the elderly (elderly), public servants, vulnerable communities / general, adolescents, and vaccinations among children.
To date, 1,298 human resources have been vaccinated with the first dose, 8,077 elderly people, 11,557 public servants, 89,751 people in general, 17,731 teenagers, and 19,119 children.
His party continues to accelerate the vaccination program, especially for children aged 6 to 11 years and the elderly.
The total number of residents who have been confirmed positive for the COVID-19 virus so far has recorded 8,136 people.
Of that number, as many as 201 people died and the rest were declared cured.
Anas appealed to residents to comply with the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) even though the case has started to slope since May 2022.
"The case has started to slope, but we urge residents not to be careless because the corona virus has not disappeared. Currently we have found three new cases, after previously zero cases for several months," he said.