Bu Lurah Cipete Utara Beaten When Disperse Crowd At Resto Kemang

JAKARTA - The Head of North Cipete Urban Village, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Nurcahya, is suspected of being the victim of beatings by a number of residents who violate the transitional Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). The attack took place when the Head of North Cipete Village reprimanded and curbed the crowd.

Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Jimmy Christian Samma confirmed the incident. This case was handled by the police.

"The trigger was reprimanded, they ignored them, continued to refuse to be disbanded. Asked to disperse, they did not accept that they finally attacked the Head of North Cipete Village who is also a mother," said AKBP Jimmy, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 10.

According to Jimmy, the incident occurred about three weeks ago, on Saturday, November 21st. The location of the incident at Waroeng Brothers Coffee and Resto on Jalan Kemang Selatan VII B, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

The Head of North Cipete Urban Village had just returned home to monitor the crowd of motorcyclists on Jalan Antasari, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

Nurcahya checked on Jalan Pelita, North Cipete, and found a crowd of people at the coffee shop.

The head of the village together with members of the Community Early Awareness Forum (FKDM) approached the coffee shop and asked the crowd to disperse. The reason is that they have crossed the limits of the transitional PSBB regulations governing operational hours as well as 3M health protocols that must be obeyed by residents and business owners.

However, visitors to the coffee shop did not heed the appeal of the village head and FKDM members, there was a commotion, even the PSBB violators took the cellphone belonging to the FKDM member who recorded the incident.

When the incident occurred, Nurcahaya received a beating from the violators of the health protocol, causing bruises on the right side of the face.

"Bu Lurah was beaten in the face," said AKBP Jimmy.

According to Jimmy, the perpetrators of the beating were suspected of being three people. One of the three perpetrators was arrested by the South Jakarta Metro Police, after the Cipete Utara Village Head reported the incident.

"We suspected three, but we only caught one. He was arrested that very day, after the night report was arrested," said Jimmy.

The perpetrator of the beating of the Cipete Utara village head with the initials RQ is 22 years old. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators are still in pursuit of the police.

Jimmy said the perpetrator was charged under Article 170 concerning crimes of violence against other people committed in public. The perpetrator faces a maximum imprisonment of five years.

There have been two attacks on officers while monitoring health protocols during the PSBB transition period in the South Jakarta area.