In Front Of Ganjar Pranowo And Deputy Chairman Of Commission III Of The DPR, Central Java Police Chief Tegas Guarded The Bener Purworejo Dam Project

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said that the Central Java Police would oversee the construction of the Bener Purworejo Dam without any criminal proceedings. He made this statement in front of the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Desmond Junaidi Mahesa, and other Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) officials.

On that occasion the Kapolda conveyed, according to the direction and commitment of the National Police Chief to consistently oversee the development of national vital projects.

Assistance and supervision in the context of accelerating national development, continued the Central Java Police Chief, will continue to be carried out including Bener Dam and other national projects in Central Java.

The Central Java Police will also prioritize a humanist and persuasive approach related to the construction of the Bener Dam. Several steps have been made so that the construction of the dam runs smoothly and the economy of the surrounding community can be lifted.

"There is also a Direskrimsus as well as Bhabinkamtibmas assistance to prevent a violation from occurring, there is no need for a criminal process to be carried out. Therefore, it is carried out in order to attract investors or others including development activities," said the Kapolda when Ratas with Forkopimda at the Central Java Police Headquarters, Friday, November 11.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Desmond Junaidi Mahesa said that his party had gone directly to the location to monitor the recommendations given.

It turns out that from the records of the recommendations everything is almost fulfilled. We found new positive things, even though the community's position was accepted and those who refused," he said.

Departing from the steps that have been taken, said Desmond, in the future he hopes that the construction of the Bener Dam project in Purworejo can be smoother.

"From here, it is clear that the solution given by the Governor in the future of the rock-taking project is not a problem, hopefully there will be no problems because everything is well planned. We will see the process ahead," he continued

Furthermore, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo himself said that Forkopimda would prioritize persuasive efforts and a personal dialogical approach to residents so that the construction of the Bener Dam would run smoothly without turmoil.

"It was also reminded by Commission III regarding the Minerba Law, the River Basin Center (BBWS) later as the executor and PUPR as the leading sector who owns it in the end after buying it, so don't buy it in the wrong way. That's roughly the case," said Ganjar.

In addition, it was also emphasized that the need for tourism in Wadas was only for dams, not for others. Ganjar said that the recommendation from Commission III was related to this so that later the police would be tasked with monitoring it so that it would not leak.

"We understand that there are still those who have not received (compensated) we will take an approach by prioritizing dialogue. Now there are only 42 fields, the owner is 30. We try to approach the owner and communicate continuously," said Ganjar.