Police Express Narcotics Kitchen Lab International Network, 2 Iranian Citizens Arrested

The Directorate of Drug Crimes at Bareskrim Polri revealed a network of narcotics type methamphetamine from the kitchen lab network with two suspected Iranian citizens (WN) with the initials MHD (35) and AK (25). Arrested two suspects who are foreigners from Iran on behalf of MHD and on behalf of AK. Another DPO of Iranian foreigners on behalf of S," said Karopenmas Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Friday, October 11. Wadritipidnarkoba Bareskrim Polri Kombes Pol Jayadi explained that the arrest began with information received from the public regarding the shipment of methamphetamine from Germany wrapped in a ceramic package. On that basis, the Subdit 1 Team of Narcotics Ditipid immediately moved on Tuesday, November 8. Cooperating with Customs and Excise.

As a result, officers managed to arrest an Iranian foreigner with the initials MHD on the sidewalk in front of the Pasar Baru Post Office, Central Jakarta. MHD was arrested, after taking a shipment of crystal methamphetamine wrapped in a ceramic package. There was at least 4 kilograms of evidence of white powder suspected to be methamphetamine. After being arrested, MHD admitted that he was ordered by an Iranian DPO with the initials S to deliver the package to his colleague with the initials AK to the Casa Grande Apartment, South Jakarta. Then, the police went straight to the location and arrested AK in front of the Lobi of Casa Grande Apartment. During the search, the team found narcotics kitchen lab methamphetamine. "Kitchen lab to carry out the process of purification or from powder material into crystalline material," said Jayadi. The two Iranian citizens were charged with Article Primer 114 paragraph 2 in conjunction with 113 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law in 2009 concerning the circulation of narcotics of type 1 the death penalty, life or maximum of 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp1 billion. The subsidiary cross section of the subsidiary is 113 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 of the RI Law no. 35 of 2009 then a subsidiary 112 paragraph 2 jo 132 Uu no 35 of 2009," he concluded.