Fintech Business Actors Lift Personal Data Protection Issues At The G20 Forum

JAKARTA The fourth meeting of the Indonesia Fintech Summit 2022 in Bali this week raised the issue of protecting personal data in the main topic of discussion. It is stated that the protection of personal data can support the potential of the digital economy and alternative finance in Indonesia so that it becomes a provision for national economic growth in the future.

Member of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Melli Darsa said, globally, the issue of protecting consumers' personal data continues to be of concern to the government. "Privacy of personal data is not only about human rights, but if digital economy will become one of the provisions for future national economic growth, then building public trust (confidence) related to cyber security must be strong," he said in a written statement on Friday, November 11.Melli representing fintech business actors welcomed the passage of the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP) last September. He said, Indonesia could finally impose regulations that could help the economy in achieving a better, stronger, and more resilient recovery process. However, what must be emphasized is that all of these issues are not always about regulation, but there must also be act balancing. It is necessary to educate people about the massive protection of personal data. Don't let our digital economy become hampered because we are all indifferent in protecting our own personal data he said.

On the same occasion, CyberCX Director Mike Purdon stated that people's trust in cybersecurity must remain a top priority. The reason is, cyber security can also be a huge selling point for the company. "When you want to sell fintech products to investors, investors will be very serious about asking about readiness in terms of cybersecurity. This is what needs to be a concern," he said., collaboration and synergy of all stakeholders, "he explained. As information, the 2022 Fintech Summit Indonesia agenda is part of a series of G20 Summit events which will last until November 16.