Attend The DKI Disaster Preparedness Apple, Acting Governor Heru: We Must Be Ready To Face Floods And Landslides

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono attended a national preparedness rally to face a hydrometeorological disaster in 2022-2023 in DKI Jakarta. The event took place at Buperta Cibubur Field, East Jakarta.

In reading the report, Heru explained that the background of this apple was held in response to the potential for extreme weather from November 2022 to February 2023. The time range was as predicted by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

During that time, Heru said that extreme weather in the form of heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds in DKI Jakarta had the potential to cause hydrometeorological disasters such as floods to landslides.

"During that period, we must be prepared to deal with potential hydrometeorological disasters that can be in the form of floods, landslides, and strong winds in Jakarta and its surroundings," Heru said at the location, Wednesday, November 9.

To maximize preparedness, Heru said, today's apple activities will be followed by simulations of flood and landslide disasters.

"This morning it was carried out (in a hybrid manner) with a total of 10 online participants and 34 regencies and cities throughout Indonesia in areas prone to floods and landslides," he said.

It is known that the national preparedness meeting for hydrometeorological disasters in 2022-2023 was organized by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and related parties.

Apart from Heru, this apple was also attended by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, RIb Muhadjir Effendy, and the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency, Lt. Gen. Suharyanto.

Around 2,500 people attended this apple consisting of elements of 10 ministries/agencies, TNI/Polri, Regional Government, 3 Provincial BPBD, BUMN, DKI BUMD, 15 Kelurahan, 5 Universities, and 128 disaster activist institutions.

In addition, disaster management facilities and infrastructure were also displayed from all elements involved. A total of 132 disaster management cars, 24 motorcycles, 103 boats, and 24 tents from various institutions. BNPB displays equipment such as amphibious boats, rubber boats, helicopters, disaster management vehicles.

The Ministry of Social Affairs displays equipment, namely tents, communication equipment, and disaster management vehicles. The TNI deployed operational vehicles and disaster management equipment it had. The National Police held disaster management equipment in the form of SAR cars, DVI cars, and K9.

Also displayed equipment from various institutions such as the Ministry of Health, Kemendikbudristek, Basarnas, to BMKG featuring weather monitoring cars.