The Ministry Of Industry And The Ministry Of Transportation Forms The Safety Of The Industry Sector Goods For Sea Transportation

JAKARTA - The government continues to strive to increase the competitiveness of the industrial sector so that it is ready to face the latest global challenges or issues.

One of the efforts that need to be motivated is to maintain security, health, and work safety, which is mandated by Law Number 3 of 2014 concerning Industry.

"This includes handling goods or hazardous materials, which on the one hand can potentially endanger health, safety, property, and the environment, but on the other hand, almost all industrial sectors are used to make useful products that are useful for the community," said Secretary of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, E. Ratna Utarianingrum, in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 8.

He said, one of the industrial sectors that has the potential to produce dangerous goods is the chemical industry.

Even so, the chemical industry sector is a strategic business sector group.

"Given that this sector produces chemicals, most of which are raw materials for downstream industries, so it is necessary to ensure that the use or use of products that have the potential to produce hazardous materials or goods in the industry can be guaranteed safety and handling, according to internationally applicable standards," said Ratna.

In addition, as an archipelagic country that has very large territorial waters, sea mode transportation in Indonesia plays an important role for logistics in Indonesia, especially in the delivery of small and medium-sized industrial products (IKM) that will be distributed between islands.

To ensure the safety of packaged goods or hazardous materials in sea mode transportation, the Ministry of Transportation has issued Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 16 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Handling and Transportation of Hazardous Goods at Ports.

"One of the regulations regulated in the Minister of Transportation is the obligation to use the UN Number Sign on Hazardous Goods Packaging," explained Ratna.

Ratna added that this socialization event could be part of a collaboration between the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Transportation for industrial progress and increased transportation security in Indonesia.

"Hopefully with this collaboration from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Transportation, an industry can be realized that can produce global competitive products with guaranteed handling of production safety and transportation security according to international standards," he added.

For your information, the recognition as a Hazardous Goods Packaging Laboratory of the Directorate of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation has been received by the BBSPJIKFK Packaging Test Laboratory since June 9, 2022, through a Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation concerning the Recognition of the BBSPJIKFK Laboratory as a Hazardous Goods Packaging Test Laboratory.