DPR Commission VI: The Formation Of Ultra Micro-UMKM BUMN Holding Needs Support

JAKARTA - The formation of a holding company for state-owned enterprises (BUMN) for financing and empowering Ultra Micro (UMi) and MSMEs is considered to be able to increase the capacity of state companies involved in running their businesses.

Deputy Chairperson of Commission VI of the DPR from the NasDem Faction, Martin Manurung, said that the existence of this holding was also more effective in leveraging the competitiveness and capacity of MSEs and MSMEs, compared to the efforts that had been made through the collaboration of BUMN so far.

Not only that, said Martin, the formation of a holding for UMi and UMKM financing will strengthen the capital and services of each BUMN involved.

Martin emphasized that the holding network to reach micro-entrepreneurs will be wider because it relies on the capacity of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. This expansion of reach will make it easier for the community to obtain capital assistance to develop their business.

"The network will be stronger, because BRI's extensive network can facilitate access for the community to obtain capital. If properly prepared, the results can be positive. This will be more effective (compared to the existing collaboration of BRI, PNM, and Pegadaian) because of the institutional and capital will be stronger, "he said, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 9.

Holding Accelerates Money Circulation for Society

Meanwhile, member of Commission VI DPR RI from the PDI-P Faction, Deddy Sitorus, revealed that the existence of a holding would have a positive impact on the country's economy, because it accelerates the circulation of money for the people.

Even so, said Deddy, there are at least seven prerequisites that must be met by the government if the plan to form a holding company runs optimally. First, the formation of a holding must be in accordance with the reality, area, and needs of the UMi and UMKM.

Second, there must be a clear focus on segments and areas before the development of the holding work program is developed gradually to all regions.

"Third, there is an empowerment program and a proactive attitude from service providers. Fourth, there must be synergy with government programs and targets. Fifth, there is a database and data synchronization with all related parties," he explained.

According to Deddy, the formation of holding BUMN financing for UMi and UMKM must be carried out with organizational engineering and a smooth transitional process between the three prospective member entities, namely BRI, PT Pegadaian (Persero), and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero).

Finally, Deddy suggested there is a process of integration and business intercorrelation which mutually reinforces and synergize the three BUMNs. If the seven prerequisites above can be fulfilled, the benefits that will arise from the holding of BUMN financing UMi and UMKM are believed to be large.

"This policy needs to be supported, because it not only helps UMi and UMKM, but also encourages the circulation of money more quickly so that idle funds can be utilized," he explained.

Previously, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir said that the plan to form BUMN holding for UMi and UMKM appeared to reduce the amount of interest on financing for small business actors. It is hoped that the formation of a holding company can reduce the cost of credit for small business actors, so that their burden is reduced.

"It is very unfair if we help a large corporation with a 9 percent interest rate, but PNM must be more expensive. It's not PNM's fault, but access to funds is expensive. Therefore we want to synergize with the existing platform at BRI," he said during a Working Meeting with the Commission. VI DPR RI, Monday, November 30.

Meanwhile, senior researcher Indef Enny Sri Hartati said there were at least two benefits from the formation of a holding UMKM financing. First, holding has an impact on increasing the efficiency of the SOEs involved. Second, increasing the competitiveness of each related company.