Excellent In Medan Pilkada Quick Count, Bobby Nasution: Alhamdulillah, Thank You Bang Ijeck And Golkar

MEDAN - Candidate for the mayor of Medan number 2 Bobby Nasution is grateful for the superiority of the quick count version of the Medan Pilkada. Bobby asked all parties to keep waiting for the manual calculation for the Medan KPU.

"Alhamdulillah, the count is fast, but this is still a quick count, scientific calculation. We are both waiting for the official real count results from the KPU," said Bobby while in touch with the board and cadres of the Golkar Party of North Sumatra, Wednesday, December 9.

Bobby accompanied by his running mate Aulia Rachman met the Chairman of the North Sumatra Golkar DPD, Musa Rajeckshah (Ijeck) accompanied by the Secretary of the North Sumatra Golkar DPD, Ilhamsyah and the Deputy Chairman, Iswanda Ramli. To Golkar management and cadres, Bobby Nasution expressed his deep gratitude.

"We know, since becoming chairman of the DPD, Bang Ijeck has participated in socializing Bobby-Aulia. We thank the DPD Golkar Medan, which until the evening's draw we continue to coordinate collaborating with all parties to consolidate together," said Bobby.

However, most importantly, said Bobby, the Medan Pilkada could run smoothly. President Jokowi's son-in-law also appreciated the community's discipline in implementing health protocols while at the TPS.

"Community participation has also increased from before. This blessing is not only for those who support, but for all Medan residents," said Bobby.