The Intensity Of The Rain Has Not Yet Sloped, The Flood In Singkawang City Is Estimated To Expand

The floods that occurred in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) are increasingly widespread. The water level is also slowly increasing due to the intensity of the rain that has not subsided.

"A number of vehicles, both two- and four-wheeled vehicles, were stopped because they were desperate to pass the flooded road," said Singkawang City Secretary Sumastro, in Singkawang, West Kalimantan, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 6.

He also admitted that he had monitored the location of the flood. The first effort was made to see the condition of the flood victims at the Abdul Aziz Hospital, Singkawang.

He visited the health services at the location of the residents affected by the flood along with Dandim and Waka Polres Singkawang. After that, Sumastro and his entourage monitored the flood conditions behind RDKS, Condong Village.

"In this location, it turns out that an evacuation has been carried out for victims affected by the flood," he said.

Based on information from the Social Service and Tagana, there are as many as 23 heads of families or 104 people who live behind RDKS who are already at the Evacuation Post, namely in the Hall of the Condong Lurah Office.

"At this evacuation site, they have been provided with services and food as well as public kitchens from the Social Service and from the Puskesmas to anticipate if anyone has health problems, both from infants, children and adults," he said.

According to him, the flooding that occurred in the area behind RDKS was quite high. Then, around Harapan Bersama Hospital (RSUHB) and Pasar Baru Complex.

Dandim 1202/Skw, Lt. Col. Kav I Nyoman Artawan said that the TNI, Polri, City Government, BPBD and Tagana had worked together to anticipate the threat of natural disasters.

"Such as preparing evacuation sites, food and medicines," said Sumastro.

For areas affected by the flood, his party has also alerted personnel from the TNI, Polri, BPBD and Tagana who are directly involved in anticipating a wider impact.

"The point is that we have anticipated in the face of extreme weather that will occur now," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Tagana Singkawang, Fery Samson, said that the evacuation of flood victims had been carried out on Saturday, November 5 night.

"In total there are 104 people or 23 families. This is just temporary data," he said.

Of that number, there was one baby who was only 9 days old who was also evacuated. Until now, the baby's condition is still in good health.

"In the meantime, we serve the baby modestly first and always monitor it for 24 hours, while we coordinate with the relevant agencies," he said.

He hopes that no additional residents will be evacuated and hopefully the intensity of rainfall will not increase so that the floods recede quickly.