COVID-19 Update As Of December 9: Record Deaths Of 171 Cases Coincided With The Election Of The Regional Head Election

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) releases the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 today. A total of 56,034 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 6,058 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 592,900 people," the Ministry of Health was quoted as saying, Wednesday, December 9.

Today's cases increased by 3,948, so that a total of 487,445 people recovered. Then, the positive confirmed cases who died increased by 171 people and the total was 18,171 people.

The number of COVID-19 cases that died has reached a new record, from the previous highest death case of 169 cases on November 27 and 29.

"Provinces with the highest number of deaths today are in East Java with 38 cases, then Central Java with 37 cases, DKI Jakarta with 18 cases, West Java with 16 cases, and other provinces with less than 10 cases," the data wrote.

The province with the most new cases is in DKI Jakarta with 1,217 new cases and a total of 147,838 cases. DKI Jakarta is also the province with the most accumulated cases in Indonesia.

Followed by West Java, which has 908 new cases with a total of 62,083 cases. Central Java has 735 new cases and a total of 62,612 cases. Then, East Java has 718 new cases and a total of 66,817 cases.

The province with the most cases recovered today belongs to DKI Jakarta with an increase of 1,064 recovered cases. Followed by West Java with an additional 546 recovered cases, East Java with an additional 358 recovered cases, and Riau with an additional 181 recovered cases.

Then, there is 1 province that reported no new cases today. The province is North Maluku.

In addition, the number of specimens examined reached 6,168,268. In detail, a total of 6,060,177 specimens were examined using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 108,091 using a molecular rapid test (TCM).

"The number of positive results per number of specimens examined (positivity rate) was 14.3 percent," he wrote.

Finally, the number of people suspected of having contracted COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases, was recorded at 70,450 people. Currently, 510 districts / cities from 34 provinces have COVID-19 cases.