The Narapupu Jogja Tourism Area In Sleman Will Grow The Citizens' Economy

JAKARTA - The Nara Kupu Jogja educational area at the foot of Mount Merapi, Sleman, Central Java began to open with soft opening. This area is an eco-cultural tourism and agro-edutical destination integrated with regional governments.

Field Manager Narapup Jogja Doni Darmawan said that it is hoped that Nara Kupu Jogja will be able to bring domestic and foreign tourists to locations that have various tourist areas that will support the economic sector of the surrounding community.

"Through this soft opening activity of Narapup Jogja, we are optimistic that the surrounding community from now on has a new hope to jointly foster prosperity through natural and environmental management," Doni said in his statement, Sunday, November 6.

Doni explained that Nara Kupu Jogja is used as a sustainable micro business management area starting from education, production, management, and marketing. One way is to educate residents to process organic waste.

In addition, Nara Kupu Jogja also supports the government's efforts to create food security by making the development of the agricultural sector part of regional planning.

"Of course we continue to build synergies with the community and surrounding communities by encouraging the use of local materials," he said.

Furthermore, Doni revealed, in addition to the location of urban digital farming, breeding of deer and livestock, his party also continues to equip the area with supporting facilities such as libraries, souvenir shops selling environmentally friendly products, health clinics, homestays and cafes or restaurants.

"We also have the principle of supporting a healthy lifestyle, one of which is socializing healthy foods from organic vegetables," he said.

It is known, Nara Kupu Jogja also has a culinary tourism area that serves a variety of typical foods made from organic preparations such as Bakmi Jogja Mbah Walid, Pecel 57 and others.