The End Of The Sunda Empire Story In Bandung

BANDUNG - The police finally named three high-ranking Sunda Empire officials as suspects. They were arrested in the case of spreading fake news related to the Sunda Empire or the Sunda Empire.

Three people who claimed to be high-ranking officials of the Sundanese empire who controlled the world were also immediately arrested. The three of them are Raden Ratna Ningrum (Emperor of Sunda Empire), Nasri Bank (Prime Minister of Sunda Empire) and Ki Ageng Rangga Sasana as Secretary General of Sunda Empire.

Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes S Erlangga, said that the three of them were detained under the threat of Articles 14-15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946. The article contains the threat of a sentence of 10 years in prison for disorder.

"We have named a suspect, Brother NB or Nasri Banks as a figure of the Sunda Empire or Prime Minister in his position and Rd Ratna Ningrum as the position of emperor. Then, there is another one that has been arrested in Tambun, Bekasi. Ki Ageng Rangga," said Erlangga when confirmed, Tuesday, January 29th.

Before determining the suspects to three high-ranking Sundanese Empire officials, the police have collected information from witnesses, including criminal expert witnesses, historical expert witnesses, cultural expert witnesses, and other witnesses from parties who are aware of Sundanese Empire activities such as Isola marketing, Indonesian Education University. (UPI).

"The investigator has carried out a case title from the results of expert testimony, from the evidence, the investigator has concluded that it fulfills the elements of a crime," said Erlangga.

On the same occasion, West Java Regional Police General Criminal Investigation Director, Sr. Comr. Hendra Suhartiyono, said the activities of Sunda Empire with all the narratives it spread could cause confusion. One of the information is related to the history of the founding of the United Nations and Nato which was claimed in Bandung.

"In several other respects, the recognition that Sunda Empire has a fund of 500 million USD. Investigators deny this is not true, especially since Nato, the Pentagon, the World Bank, the United Nations are standing in Isola," said Hendra.

While the evidence that the police pocketed includes the Sundanese Empire organizational structure, a collection of statements submitted by the Sunda Empire, such as the statement from Secretary General Rangga which stated that his empire was in charge of the United Nations and others, as well as the historical statement which stated that the Sunda Empire existed in the previous year. AD.

According to police statements, Sunda Empire has sympathizers as many as a thousand people. Sympathizers of this association are spread throughout West Java and even Aceh.

"The motive is still being explored. In the meantime, he ensures that the Sunda Empire can bring prosperity to the people of the world," said Hendra.

The Sunda Empire Association has been identified as having been carrying out activities since 2017. In mid-2017-2019, this association has held five meetings. Four meetings were held at the Hotel and Resort Isola, Bandung City.

The appearance of this association began when a video clip was circulated on social media. In the video, a person wearing typical military clothing is giving speeches in front of dozens of people. In his oration, the man heralded a narrative regarding the Sundanese empire that will hold the order of the world system which will end on August 15, 2020.