Police Chief Diduga Peras Pelaku Perbuyaran Richard Mille, Mahfud MD: Biaya Dirusur

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that the alleged police officer who reported the fraud case for the purchase of a luxury Richard Mille clock, Tony Sutrisno, was being followed up. According to him, the police are more authorized to take care of this, including the imposition of sanctions.

"That should be handled by the police," said Mahfud MD in Jakarta, quoted on Saturday, November 5.

Recently, the diagram describing the police extorting businessman Tony Sutrisno has been widely discussed by the public. Tony Sutrisno has even admitted to the extortion.

However, this case has not received a response from the National Police Headquarters and also the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The diagram states that Tony was extorted up to IDR 4 billion after reporting the fraud he experienced, namely the alleged embezzlement and fraud of two Richard Mille brand watches for IDR 77 billion.

There are several names of high-ranking police officers mentioned. In fact, the diagram states that the Police Propam Division has held a Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) Session.

As a result, Kompol A has been sentenced to 10 years of demotion. He is suspected of receiving funds from Tony Sutrisno amounting to Rp. 3.7 billion which was then deposited at Kombes Rizal Irawan in the amount of Rp. 2.6 billion.

"How can Kombes Rizal Irawan be circumcised for a sentence of 1 year of demotion and for the attention of the Deputy Chief of Police. Meanwhile, his subordinates were promoted for 10 years, was it fair? Oh, yes. Brigadier General Andi Rian and Komjen Agus Andrianto's involvement was not investigated," wrote the diagram.

A number of parties have urged the National Police Chief to thoroughly investigate the alleged involvement of the National Police chief in the extortion case of Tony Sutrisno. One of them, the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) talked about the alleged involvement of the South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Andi Rian Djajadi and several police officers in the extortion of Tony Sutrisno.

According to Kompolnas Commissioner Yusuf Warsyim, the diagram and extortion cases must be seriously investigated. His party will explore the information to the Inspectorate of General Supervision and the Police Propam Division.

"I think the question of the charts needs to be confirmed with the reporter. If the reporter (victim) confirmed the contents of the chart (diagram), of course this is important to be studied and we will try to coordinate with the internal supervisor, either the inspectorate of general supervision or related to professional ethics supervision at Propam," Yusuf Warsyim said when contacted by reporters, Sunday, October 30.

Yusuf said that it was the duty of Kompolnas to monitor and monitor the performance of police officers, so that the victim's complaint against extortion committed by police officers would immediately be followed up according to the applicable mechanism.

"Kompolnas as a functional supervisor who assesses and monitors the performance of the National Police, we will coordinate the existence of this kind of chart to the internal supervisor," he said.

He also hopes that the victim can file further reports. Yusuf promised to monitor and immediately coordinate with the police so that the case that dragged Andi Rian Djajadi's name could be resolved as soon as possible.

"With information like this, of course, we will communicate to internal supervisors regarding this case, we will monitor this case because it is a public concern," he concluded.