Indonesian Legend Justian Suhandinata Dies, PBSI Chairman: National And International Badminton Figures

JAKARTA - The atmosphere of grief enveloped the badminton world. Indonesian badminton legend, Justian Suhandinata, died after undergoing treatment in Bangkok, Thailand.

PBSI General Chair Agung Firman Sampurna, expressed his deep condolences for the passing of Justian Suhandinata. According to him, badminton has lost one of the highly dedicated figures.

He then thanked all that Justian had done during his life for the sport of tepok bulu.

"We are sorry for the passing of a national and international badminton figure, Mr. Justian Suhandinata. The world of Indonesian badminton is certainly lost with the departure of a figure who dedicated his life only to the advancement of Indonesian and world badminton," Agung said in a written statement from PBSI, Saturday, November 5.

"Many of his services and achievements are for the advancement of Indonesia's badminton achievements. Even until the end of his life, Pak Justian is still working as the Advisory Council for PP PBSI 2020-2024," he continued.

As previously reported, Justian died at Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, Friday, November 4 at 21.25 WIB. He breathed his last at the age of 75

PBSI explained in a written statement, Justian underwent treatment in the White Elephant Country due to falling which prevented him from walking.

After receiving treatment, Justian was able to walk again even though he had to wear a tool. However, during treatment in Bangkok, on October 5, Justian was hit by a stroke.

The legend finally passed away.