The Reason For The Police To Keep Autopsy 6 Bodies Of Special Laskar Rizieq Shihab Even Though The Family Does Not Allow Them

JAKARTA - The bodies of six laskar, especially Rizieq Shihab's bodyguard, were still being autopsied, even though the family did not allow it. The National Police said there was no obligation to obtain this permit.

"According to the law, the investigator's obligation is to notify the family, not to get the family's approval," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Andi Rian to reporters, Wednesday, December 9.

Andi said that the rules governing autopsy are listed in Article 134 (1) of the Criminal Code. In that article, it is stated that an autopsy can be carried out for the purposes of proof provided that the investigator is obliged to inform the victim's family in advance.

"Kan 'inform', not 'consent'. Autopsy is carried out for the purposes of investigation and investigation," he said.

But regarding the autopsy results, Rian was reluctant to explain. According to him, the most important thing is that everything is done according to standard operating procedures (SOP).

"The post mortem and autopsy processes are carried out in accordance with the provisions and SOPs by forensic doctors," he said.

As previously reported, the spokesperson for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman said the family of the six laskar especially Rizieq Shihab's bodyguard prohibited the police from carrying out an autopsy on the bodies of the six members of the army.

"The family of six soldiers who were martyred (died) refused to have their bodies autopsied without the family's permission," said Munarman.