The Location Of The Incident In Karawang Is The Reason For The Police Headquarters To Take Over The Police-FPI Shootout Case

JAKARTA - Polda Mertro Jaya explained that the shooting case of six FPI Special Troops was withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Headquarters because the location of the incident was located across the region, namely Karawang, West Java.

"I emphasize again that now the case is being taken to the National Police Headquarters because the Locus Delicti is located in the Karawang area of the West Java Regional Police jurisdiction," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Wednesday, December 9.

That way, all matters relating to the results of the case investigation will be conveyed by the National Police Headquarters.

"So that the handling is transferred to the Police Headquarters. Later, please go to the Public Relations Division of the National Police. It will explain that it will be updated every afternoon," he said.

Previously it was reported that the National Police Headquarters decided to withdraw the handling of the shooting case for the six special guard Rizieq Shihab's bodyguard. This case was previously handled by Polda Metro Jaya.

"Currently, the case has been withdrawn to the National Police Headquarters," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Tuesday, December 8.

In handling this case, the Professional and Security Division (Propam) also formed a special team. This team will oversee the case handling process.

"The Head of Propam Division has formed a team," said Argo.

"All actions carried out by members in fingerprints are monitored and secured by the Propam Division," continued Argo.

That way, case handling will be carried out in a transparent manner. Thus, preventing unwanted things from happening.

"All this is done so that the investigation of this case is transparent," he said.