Akhyar Nasution Happy Pilkada Cheerful, Whatever The Result Accept Medan Citizens' Decision

MEDAN - Candidate for mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution exercised his voting rights at TPS 22, East Medan. Akhyar said the Medan Pilkada process was running smoothly and safely.

"The enthusiasm of the community is quite good and good, people can use their voting rights cheerfully without any pressure from any party. This is what we expect," said Akhyar Nasution after voting with his family, Wednesday, December 9.

Akhyar who is also the Acting Mayor of Medan hopes that the Medan Pilkada can produce a leader chosen by the people. Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi is still optimistic about winning the Medan Pilkada competition from candidate candidate Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman.

"God willing, please Allah, whatever the result is the decision of the people of Medan. We'll see, optimistic, God willing," said Akhyar.

Ever Touching Money Politics Back and forth

Candidate for Medan mayor number 1 Akhyar Nasution has touched on the issue of money politics in the Medan Pilkada several times, including during the third debate. Akhyar who is paired with Salman Alfarisi promised to create a transparent and clean government.

"Akhyar-Salman is committed to himself, committed to the people of Medan, committed to Allah Almighty, will build a clean government. Where does the clean and clean government development start from this pilkada, "said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate, Saturday, December 5.

In the Pilkada, Akhyar emphasized that he had never distributed anything that could be categorized as money politics. Akhyar-Salman, who was promoted by the Democrats and PKS, mentioned the offer of Medan City's progress programs for residents.

“Akhyar-Salman doesn't do money politics, because money politics is the root of corruption in the local government. Akhyar-Salman is committed today we did not do that. And we are sure that the people of Medan think rationally, act rationally and evaluate candidates who are clean and honest, ”said Akhyar.