Security Preparation for the G20 Bali Summit, the National Police Holds 3 Days of Exercise

BADUNG - The National Police held a centralized exercise in Bali on November 3-5, 2022 to prepare for the security of the G20 Summit which will take place from November 15 to 16, 2022.

The Deputy Chief of Police, Commissioner Gatot Eddy Pramono, explained that the exercise was aimed at improving the skills of members before serving in the 2022 Puri Agung Operation during the G20 Summit.

"Our goal in conducting this pre-operation exercise is to improve the technical skills of members and their respective functions and their respective fields", said Gatot Eddy after opening a training session at the Badung Regency Government Center (Puspem), Bali, Thursday, November 3.

In addition, said Commissioner Gatot Eddy, personnel must also know what potential vulnerabilities occur, and where they will work later.

The Deputy Chief of Police said that the National Police had coordinated with the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Indonesia Army (TNI) to map out potential threats and anticipate that they would not happen.

"Potential vulnerabilities are the result of intelligence predictions, of course, it has been a combination of the police, TNI, BIN, and other related institutions so that the G20 presidency activities can run smoothly and smoothly, both the side event and the main event on November 15 to 16", said the Deputy Chief of Police.

The Puri Agung 2022 operation is a centralized security operation involving the Bali Police, West Nusa Tenggara Police, and East Java Police, as well as BKO from the National Police Headquarters.

"Later, the security leadership will be the TNI Commander and the National Police Chief as his deputy. We will continue to work together to secure this activity", said Commissioner Gatot Eddy.

In the training session, in addition to hearing the presentation and the operation plan, members will also be involved in a security simulation.

The G20 Summit or G20 Bali Summit is the culmination of the G20 series of events that have been taking place since the end of 2021. At the summit, Indonesian President Joko Widodo will chair a meeting attended by leaders of G20 member countries.

So far, President Joko Widodo said that 17-18 state leaders have confirmed their presence in Bali for the G20 Summit.