Waiting For The Results Of The Case For Investigation On Alleged Violation Of The Rizieq Shihab Health Center

JAKARTA - The police will complete the process of conducting an investigation into the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) for the marriage ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter, Najwa Shihab.

"I have said from yesterday, today a case title will be held," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Wednesday, December 8.

The case title in this case was carried out after the investigator conducted a series of witness examinations and the collection of evidence, although there were several witnesses who were not present at the summons for examination.

"After the title of the case I will convey (the results)," he said.

Originally, the witnesses who were not present in the series of examinations included Rizieq Shihab and Hanif Alatas, who are Rizieq's sons-in-law. They failed to fulfill two summons on December 1 and 7.

Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) lawyer Aziz Yanuar said Rizieq's absence at the first examination was because he was still in the process of recovering his condition.

"Still resting, we know that he just returned from the UMMI Hospital, Bogor after resting there so he is still recovering," said Aziz.

Meanwhile, the reason for his absence from the second summons, Aziz said, the FPI Grand Priest still needs time for his condition to fully recover, while he is carrying out activities that cannot be abandoned.

"He is still recovering while there are family needs which were carried out last night while he was still with family matters," said Aziz.

Police Ultimatum

The Jakarta Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil, confirmed that his party would forcefully pick up Rizieq Shihab. This action is also in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code which regulates that the police can forcefully pick them up if someone fails to fulfill the summons for examination twice.

"If the MRS brothers do not fulfill our summons, the investigating team will take further law enforcement steps in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he explained.

Fadil reminded that anyone who tried to obstruct the investigation process would be firmly dealt with. Including the mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab who had attacked Polri members on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road.

"I and the Pangdam Jaya appeal to MRS and his followers not to obstruct the provision because this action is illegal and punishable," he said.

"If the action to obstruct the officers endangers the safety of our officers, I and the Pangdam Jaya will not hesitate to take firm action," he continued.

Addition of Article

In handling this case, the police did not only use Article 93 of the Health Quarantine Law in conjunction with Article 9 of the Criminal Code for alleged violations of health protocols. The police also applied Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning incitement to crowds.

This criminal article was used in the investigation of the Maulid Nabi crowd case in Tebet. In fact, in this case the police, Rizieq Shihab, was made the report.

"We are shocked to receive the threat of Article 160 with the addition of the incident in Tebet," said Aziz.

The use of article 160 of the Criminal Code was revealed when the police sent a second summons. So, said Aziz, with the application of this article the police seemed to be deliberately targeting Rizieq Shihab.

"Maybe the first shot (of the crowd at Petamburan) failed because it didn't fit. Based on the information requested for clarification, it states that the direction looks far from Habib Rizieq. Hence, this is clearly targeting Habib Rizieq in the second process," he explained.

For your information, the status of the case for the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) for the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter has been upgraded from investigation to investigation.

Based on the previous title of the case, the police found an alleged violation of Law number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Currently investigators are collecting evidence that supports the alleged violation.

In this investigation process, the police are looking for evidence by examining a number of witnesses. So, later the police will determine the suspect in this case.