Please Watch Out, 5 Common Causes Of DISbursed Eye View Accompanied By A Head Of Dispute

YOGYAKARTA Almost everyone has had a headache. But in general, other symptoms are followed, such as blurred eye and nausea. Usually, doctors will identify symptoms first before giving a diagnosis. If you have experienced blurred eye views accompanied by a dizzy head, even sometimes followed by nausea, generally due to the following conditions.
At least 10 percent of the population has migraines. migraine headaches can cause headaches, pulses or severe pulses in the head. Of people who have migraines, a third of them also experience visual impairments, such as blurred vision.
Symptoms of migraines, in addition to a pulsed head of pain and blurred vision, are often followed sensitive to sound and light, nausea and vomiting, shadows, zigzag lines moving across the field of sight, temporary loss of sight, objects looking closer or further away, and seeing the flash of light around the object.
Launching Medical News Today, Thursday, November 3, symptoms of migraine visuals are only experienced in about an hour. Many people treat migraines by buying drugs that are sold freely (OTC), such as migraines, ibuprofens, or prescription drugs from doctors.
Blood sugar will drop and rise around eating time. However, if blood sugar levels are low, or less than 70 mg/dL, it can be called hypoglycemic. Without treatment, hypoglycemics are very dangerous. Because it causes headaches and blurred vision. Symptoms that follow low sugar levels, among others, feeling anxious, body sweating, confusion, shaking, dizziness or light headache, pale skin, feeling weak and sleepy, nausea, and sneering in the tongue, lips, or cheeks.
Stroke occurs when the blood clots and blocks the vessels that carry blood to the brain. Doctors call the condition an ischemic stroke. Strokes caused by blood vessels in the brain rupture, are less common and are called hemorrhagic strokes.
Strokes can cause blurred vision, either in one or both eyes, accompanied by sudden severe headache. Other symptoms of stroke, among others, are feeling numbness in the arm, face, or legs on one side of the body. In addition, the patient has difficulty talking and understanding the conversation. Due to numbness, the patient will have difficulty walking, dizziness, and loss of body balance.
The brain injury (TBI) or traumatic brain injury is an injury that interferes with normal brain function. Trauma is usually due to hitting, falling, rolling, or hitting certain objects. One type of TBI is a concussion, which occurs due to a collision in the head.
The specific symptoms of TBI, depending on the parts of the brain that are injured and the extent of the damage. Some signs of TBI appear immediately after experiencing trauma, but some take days to weeks. Usually, people with mild TBI often experience mild headache and blurred eye vision.
Other symptoms that follow TBI, among others, dizziness and mild headache, confusion, drowsiness, collaborating ears, bad mouth taste, mood change or behavior, loss of consciousness for a few seconds to minutes, difficulty focusing, difficulty remembering, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep habits, nausea and vomiting.
The condition of TBI requires intensive treatment. Especially in heavy TBI. If TBI is light, such as concussion, it may only require monitoring and self-care.
Furthermore, the cause of blurred vision accompanied by a dizzy head, due to carbon monoxide poisoning. According to report data, more than 20,000 Americans are exposed to accidental carbon monoxides every year.
When poisoned, carbon monoxide gas binds hemoglobin so that blood cannot bring oxygen to the body's organs and tissues. This makes the body and brain lack oxygen so that someone affected with blurred vision, dizziness, stomach aches and vomiting, weak body, chest pain, confusion, and flu-like symptoms.
How to deal with blurred eye views accompanied by dizziness heads varies depending on the diagnosis of each condition. That is, if you experience it repeatedly, you need to have a doctor checked and get the right treatment.