As Of Early November, PB IDI Ordered 4 Doctors To Die Due To COVID-19 Infection

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB-IDI) reported that at least four doctors died due to COVID-19 infection based on the latest information compiled as of early November 2022."This information at the same time reminds all parties that the pandemic is not over, efforts to update information and strategies for handling COVID-19 must be the concern of all groups," said the General Chairperson of PB IDI, Adib Khumaidi when opening the Media Briefing regarding the update on COVID-19 cases which was followed by the Zoom network in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, November 3.He said the additional cases also added to the list of doctors who died from COVID-19 in Indonesia to 755 people since the pandemic hit."Lastly, 751 doctors died in March 2022. Data updates have increased by four this month and not all of these data has entered IDI," he said.According to Adib, cases of death due to COVID-19 among medical personnel professions are still a serious concern for IDI. "We will continue to update information related to doctors who died due to COVID-19," he said.Adib appreciated the commitment of all doctors in serving the community in the midst of the challenges of the pandemic, until Indonesia managed to get out of the health emergency situation."The role of health workers needs to be remembered, because of their role, we are able to surpass difficult times," he said.However, IDI reminded the public that the status of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been declared over until now.According to Adib, there have been a number of key efforts obtained based on pandemic travel since 2020. One of the most important is the collaboration of all parties in controlling the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19."Perlu dukungan pemerintah, swasta, TNI-Polri, media massa dan masyarakat bersama kinerja dokter sebagai garda depan sekaligus bulkat terakhir penanganan pandemi. Ini peringkian yang perlu disorot," katanya.Referring to the pandemic case, said Adib, it can be resolved if there is strong collaboration from all parties. Pentahelix needs to continue to be carried out supported by the community of professional, community and private organizations.