Help The South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office At The Trial Of Alleged Corruption In The Procurement Of Medical Devices, The KPK Presents Expert Witnesses

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) presented two expert witnesses assisting the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).Assistance was given at the trial of alleged corruption in the procurement of medical devices (alkes) at the Siti Fatimah Makassar Regional Special Hospital for Mother and Child (RSKDIA)."KPK provides supervision of this case so that the handling can run more smoothly," said KPK Director of Coordination and Supervision IV Jarot Faizal in a written statement, Wednesday, November 2.Jarot said the expert was presented with the Decree of the KPK leadership Number 4 of 2022. Those presented were the Goods and Services Procurement Expert from the Government Goods or Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Fahrurozi and the Auditor from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Triyo."The two experts presented by the KPK in their opinion have strengthened the indictment of the public prosecutor," said Jarot.The KPK wants the alleged corruption to be resolved soon. Jarot said attention was given so that his party tried to carry out supervision."This case is a KPK supervision case in 2022 at the South Sulawesi Regional Police," he said.For information, this case arose when RSKDIA Siti Fatimah, which is a hospital owned by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, procured various types of medical devices in 2016 with a total budget of around Rp. 20 billion. However, there are allegations of corruption in the procurement because it buys from the black market accompanied by mark-ups on medical equipment prices in it.