6 The Concept Of The Old Warmindo That Mandatory To Try, Makes A Sweet List Business!

YOGYAKARTA Warmindo or instant noodle food stalls still exist and have even become the target of young people to be used as a business field. The current Warmindo concept has also mushroomed in several cities in Indonesia.

The capital to open a warmindo with the contemporary concept is also cheaper than other culinary businesses. With minimal capital, you can create instant noodles into delicious food and is popular with many people.

For those of you who want to try out a warmindo effort, but are still confused by the concept of warmindo to be made, here are some concepts of contemporary warmindo that can be tried, as compiled by VOI from various sources.

The concept of warmindo self service went viral some time ago. This concept allows consumers to choose more freely, because instant noodles are displayed in a fairly large place.

From the appearance of this flavor variant, consumers can prefer the taste they like more freely and they can take for themselves what they want.

Because the concept is self service, consumers can take their noodles themselves from below the storefront.

Apart from noodles, consumers can also choose various toppings and various fresh drinks. But don't worry that the topping is guaranteed to be fresh because it is not sold directly by the seller.

Using this concept is quite profitable because we can give price per item (sold separately instant noodles with toppings), so the price can still compete even though it uses a simple concept.

If you have added a lot of toppings, but want to give a different sensation, you can create it with a spicy taste.

Offer this warmindo concept to customers and ask how scathing they want based on the level set.

For example, if your customer wants to order Indomie noodles level 1, then you can only serve noodles with one tablespoon of chili sauce.

Instant noodles or meatballs are often served simply by using a bowl of size with a picture of a rooster.

In order to be more unique, serve instant noodles with a smaller container with more tongs.

Some toppings that can be an option include eggs, sausages, ciomay, chicken paste, chicken suwir,callop, and smoke beef.

Another modern warmindo concept is to present instant noodles with a hot plate. You can imagine that it is not a flavor of noodles that is delicious combined with the presentation of hot hot plates and gives rise to the sound of ssshhh when presented.

Especially if the presentation of the noodles uses a varied topping, consumers will be curious and immediately attack your business.

To make consumers feel at home, make them warmindo with a semi-cafee concept. Related to this, you can design a stall as modern as possible and provide free wifi facilities.

In addition, also provide light cafre-style menus such as light potatoes, grilled bananas, filled cireng, grilled bread, and so on.

The concept of warmindo food truck can be a solution for those who do not have a large area of land. Food truck itself is the concept of selling food through large cars, where there is a small kitchen to prepare food.

In this regard, you can display instant noodles with various flavors in acrylic noodles and invite consumers to choose their own instant noodles according to taste.

Those are some of the contemporary warmindo concepts that you can try. Like, interested in a warmindo business?