Heboh Phishing On Twitter, Kaspersky Gives Tips To Protect User Private Accounts

JAKARTA - Everything has changed, including the global social networking world. Including Twitter which will start a new era in the company's development after Elon Musk officially bought it.

But at the same time, the security and protection of users' personal data must remain the most important job, regardless of events in organizational life.

Some time ago, Twitter users were also shocked by a phishing email on Twitter, related to Elon Musk's plan to revise the way the account was verified.

Therefore, Kaspersky provides tips for Twitter users to help them secure privacy and security of personal data on accounts, and highlights how the attitude towards global personal data processing and storage can change in the future and what it can do to overcome it.

While companies bear the responsibility of protecting user data, users are also responsible for protecting their accounts. Using two-factor authentication, especially with the authentication app or security key providing maximum protection, Vladislav Tuskanov, Lead Data Scientist at Kaspersky said in a statement received.

In addition, Tuskanov added that users should pay attention to what is posted and who can read it, because most of our digital footprint is generated by ourselves, and sharing excessively on Twitter, as well as other social networks, could lead to unexpected consequences.