The Need For Pregnant Mother's Folate Waters Needs To Be Sufficient, Here Are 5 Explanations

YOGYAKARTA Folic acid is a form of folate or vitamin B that everyone needs. Folate acid is very important for pregnant women or undergoing a pregnancy program. So why is folic acid important and how much is the need for folic acid for pregnant women? Here's the full explanation.

Folate and folate acid helps the body create new healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells bring oxygen to all parts of the body. Well, if the body is not enough red blood cells, it can develop anemia. For fertile women, anemia due to folic deficiency is more common than experienced by men.

Folic acid can protect the fetus from serious birth defects. Foods that contain high folic acid for pregnant women, including green vegetables, oranges, nuts, and▁kejadianes.

For women who are pregnant or during pregnancy, folic acid helps prevent the type of defect from birth in the fetus and miscarriage. Because reported by the Office on Women's Health page, Wednesday, November 2, half of all pregnancies in the United States are not planned and experts recommend women to get enough folic acid even though they are not in the pregnancy program.

Alasam why the need for folic acid for pregnant women must be fulfilled, related to the first explanation. Namely because folic acid helps produce red blood cells so they don't experience financial deficiency anemia.

Every woman needs 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. If a promil and pregnant woman must get between 400-800 micrograms of folic acid from vitamins or foods that are high in content.

The need for folic acid for pregnant women is quite varied. Because it must be adjusted to a medical history. Like a woman who is pregnant after experiencing a miscarriage or a fetus with a birth defect, it requires 4,000 micrograms of folic acid. However, to be more precise about the number of folic acid needs of pregnant women, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Folic acid as described above, is vitamin B, which is dissolved in water. Borut in water means not living in the body for a long time. Your body metabolizes or uses folic acid quickly, so the body needs folic acid every day to work properly.

Folates can be found naturally in some foods. Foods that contain folic acid include spinach and other dark green vegetables, oranges, nuts, cut beans, poultry meat (layer, turkey, etc.), red meat, and whole grains.

Lack of folic acid can also be recognized through a number of symptoms. Among other things, experiencing fatigue, headaches, pale skin, shariawan or pain in the mouth and tongue. If most of the folic acid, it is very likely to be experienced if you drink too many multivitamins or supplements that contain folate. From the consumption of natural foods, it is impossible to experience excess golic acid. Under normal conditions, the body cannot get 1,000 micrograms of folic acid every day unless the doctor predicates it.