Damage To Clean Water Pipes As A Result Of The Galiran Project In Kemayoran Has Often OCCURRED, Residents Finally Take Clean Water For A Day

The Head of Harapan Mulia Village, Faozi said, four times the PAM clean water pipe that flows into residents' houses was damaged due to the normalization of the channel on Jalan Cempaka Putih Utara, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"Yes, that's right, the pipe was damaged due to channel normalization. Four water pipes have been damaged in the Harapan Mulia Village area," said Faozi when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, November 2.

Faozi said that his party had also conveyed the incident of the damage to the residents' PAM clean water pipe to the Central Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept. (SDA Sub-Department).

Even the repair of the damaged water pipe was not immediately repaired and took several days.

"It was not immediately repaired because the PAM response was not fast," he said.

Previously, it was reported that Turya (48), a resident of RT 01, Harapan Mulia Village, Kemayoran, was forced to earn clean water due to the dead PAM water at his home.

It was later discovered that PAM's water in the residential area was hampered due to the normalization of the channel on Jalan Cempaka Baru Utara, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.

- https://voi.id/berita/223697/sadis-gara-gara-istrinya-tidak-angkat-telpon-jam-3-pagi-ayah-bacok-putrinya-hingga-tewas

- https://voi.id/berita/223493/ditangkap-di-cibinong-kalapas-cipinang-pastikan-bokir-tidak-mengalami-kekerasan-fisik

- https://voi.id/berita/223486/keberadaan-napi-lapas-cipinang-yang-kabur-diketahui-pertama-kali-oleh-anggota-binmas-polsek-cibinong

- https://voi.id/berita/223122/napi-yang-kabur-dari-lapas-cipinang-sudah-3-tahun-jalani-hukuman-di-kamar-218-blok-saharjo

- https://voi.id/berita/223058/usai-salat-magrib-napi-narkoba-kabur-dari-lapas-cipinang

- https://voi.id/berita/223080/saat-kapolri-ingin-naik-helikopter-menuju-rembang-tiba-tiba-intel-polsek-menghampiri-ini-yang-dibicarakan


According to Turya, the damage to the PAM water pipe has been going on for 2 weeks. Damage occurred due to the construction of channels belonging to residents.

"This water belonging to PAM was leaked because of the repair of the ditch. The water in my house died because all the water was leaking here," he told reporters, Tuesday, November 1.

Turya said this PAM water broke and mixed with ditch water. Residents were forced to take the water for their needs such as bathing and washing clothes.