Jadi Site Event Dalam KTT G20, Music20 Diharaplanjut Berlanjut Di Tahun Berikut

JAKARTA - The M20 Summit conference which was attended by 100 delegates which included 30 participants of the Indonesian delegation and 70 delegates from the G20 countries and G20 invited countries has reached its peak with the holding of the M20 Concert. Delegations from countries that attended such as the United States, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Russia, and members of the European Union were treated to perform several well-known Indonesian musicians at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) on Tuesday, November 1 night.

Prior to the concert, several national music figures, including Tantowi Yahya, Candra Darusman, Triawan Munaf and Kadri Mohammad, who were also important figures behind the holding of Music20, spoke to the media crew at a press conference. Tantowi Yahya as the Committee Chair expressed his optimism for M20 as the event site from the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali in mid-November.

Given the position of music that has an important role in changing the world through its actors, Tantowi hopes that M20 will be the site event that will also be brought by the host of the G20 in the years to come. M20 was born by Indonesia, in Indonesia, and we are sure it will roll out in the next G20. I believe the next host, India, the country whose music is very growing, after that Brazil, the country beside the ball, also has very developed music," said Tantowi.

We are trying, we will encourage the M20 at the G20 under India's presidency. We are sure it will be big, and it will get bigger in Brazil and so on. And every M20 is echoing and called, people will remember this was born by Indonesia, Indonesia's initiative," he continued.

The formation of the M20 itself began with the challenge of SOE Minister Erick Thohir to several national music figures. "The Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick Thohir, challenged us six months ago. He said like this, why are you silent about music? Even though music has a large community, its interests are also big, and has very high acceptability," said Tantowi explaining the beginning of the M20 formation.

Responding to these challenges, Tantowi, Candra, Triawan and Kadri formulated a concept where music became the site event of the G20. Through music, through music, through the perpetrator who has high acceptability, any message can be delivered easily," said Tantowi.

Candra Darusman as Co-chairs Music 20 (M20) as a companion to the G20 Presidency said that musicians are responsible for helping to ground the issues raised by Indonesia in the G20 Presidency. "So that the issue is literate by the public because we are also part of the world community," said Candra.

Candra hopes that this movement can trigger new energy where musicians can participate in solving problems in the world. "Because the problem of the world cannot be solved by the government alone, it needs the community, including musicians," said Candra.