The Fake Money Factory In Sukoharjo Was Raided By The Central Java Police, Found Evidence Worth Rp1.26 Billion

SUKOHARJO - A counterfeit money printing factory in Sukoharjo was raided by the Central Java Police. Five suspects with evidence of counterfeit money worth Rp1.26 billion were successfully secured by officers. The disclosure of this case also caught the attention of a number of circles, even a member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Eva Yuliana, Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Central Java Province, Rahmat Dwi Saputra witnessed the title of the case at the Sukoharjo Police Headquarters on Tuesday afternoon, November 1.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said the counterfeit money found in the factory in Sukoharjo was very similar to the original.

"This is an extraordinary thing because when global issues are related to inflation both internationally and nationally, the upal (false-ed money) is so attractive that certain individuals take advantage of it that it has an impact on flooding our territory which results in inflation itself," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in his statement, Tuesday, November 1.

The Regional Police Chief also explained that this disclosure used a scientific method combined with the results of development in the field. In this way, officers succeeded in uncovering a number of crime scenes for the circulation and production of counterfeit money in several provinces, namely Central Java, East Java, and Lampung.

Disclosure in Central Java itself there are 4 TKP (scenes of the case) with (securing) 5 suspects and evidence worth 1.26 billion rupiah. Disclosure in Central Java is important because it is a crime scene for the production of counterfeit money. So the printing turnover is extraordinary," he explained.

The 5 suspects had the initials SU from Semarang, R from Klaten, S from Banyumas, IM from Karanganyar (contact owner), and IS from Jakarta.

The five actors have different roles ranging from designers, Sablon, print operators to marketing who distribute them.

For their actions, the perpetrators who were arrested are now charged with Article 27 paragraph (1) Article 26 paragraph (1) Article 37 paragraph (1) and or Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 Year 2011 concerning Currency with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of life and a maximum fine of IDR 100 billion.