The Vaccine Which Is Said To Be The Cure For Economic Paralysis Has Finally Arrived

JAKARTA - The arrival of 1.2 million doses of vaccine made by a pharmaceutical company from China, Sinovac, is considered to be a stepping-off for Indonesia towards national economic recovery. The presence of this vaccine is also believed to be a positive new hope for the Indonesian people.

As is known, the COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Indonesia via Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Cengkareng, on Sunday night at around 21.25 WIB. The vaccine was imported using an aircraft belonging to the airline PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk, a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft.

Vaccines are transported using a special container labeled ENVIROTAINER coded RAP81179PC. The Sinovac vaccine that arrived in Indonesia is a vaccine that has been clinically tested in Bandung, West Java, since August 2020.

The arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine to Indonesia is being carried out gradually. Along with vaccinations which are also carried out gradually. In early January 2021, the government will also bring in 1.8 million doses of other vaccines, while 15 million doses of vaccine in the form of raw materials will be imported in December this year.

Meanwhile, in January, as many as 30 million doses of vaccine in the form of raw materials will be further processed by Bio Farma as a state-owned vaccine producer.

Exempt Duties and Taxes for Sinovac Vaccines

The government through the Ministry of Finance has provided import duty and tax free facilities for 1.2 million Sinovac vaccines imported from China. The aim is to support the vaccination process according to the schedule set by the government.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the fiscal facility was listed in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 188 / PMK.04 / 2020. Through this regulation, the government provides facilities for the import of vaccines, vaccine raw materials and equipment needed in vaccine production, as well as equipment for vaccination.

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

"The facilities that we provide exemption from import duty and / or excise are not subject to PPN, PPNBM and exemption from PPh article 22 tax collection. The value of granting fiscal facilities obtained from the importation of this vaccine is equivalent to IDR 50.95 billion," he said at the Press Conference for the Arrival of the COVID-Vaccine 19, Monday, December 7.

This facility is provided to the Central Government, Local Government, BPOM, Legal Entities, or Non-Legal Entities who have been assigned or appointed by the Ministry of Health.

Of the total excise and tax incentives, Sri Mulyani noted that the exemption from import duty reached Rp. 14.56 billion and taxes for imports of Rp. 36.39 billion.

According to excise documents, the number of vaccines reached 1.2 million vials 1 dose and 568 vials 1 dose for test samples.

"Fulfillment of administrative requirements has been carried out by PT Bio Farma who was appointed by the Ministry of Health as an importer," he explained.

In addition, the government also provides facilities in the form of procedural facilities for releasing goods with rush handling services, by submitting applications and submitting complementary customs documents and submitting guarantees.

"Where from the start of PIB to the release of goods which is a maximum of 3 days is now starting to accelerate. Last night, when we monitored the goods (vaccines) arriving in Cengkareng, they were immediately examined," he said.

Build Public Trust for Activities

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac was the initial momentum for the government's concrete steps in saving the Indonesian people from the threat of the virus.

Not only that, he said, vaccination would also increase the nation's confidence in carrying out socio-economic activities.

"The implementation of vaccination will further build our sense of security and confidence, as a nation in carrying out socio-economic activities to support resilience, health, boost productivity and to maintain and increase national economic growth," he said, quoted from a live broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Sunday, December 6.

Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto. (Photo: Doc. Setkab)

However, Airlangga warned, don't just rely on vaccination. According to him, the COVID-19 health protocol must still be implemented in dealing with the pandemic.

"3T, 3M and vaccination must go hand in hand until all of us in Indonesia around the world are completely free from the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Airlangga explained that even though the vaccine had arrived, it still had to go through the evaluation stage of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Badan POM) to ensure quality, safety and effectiveness aspects. In addition, we are waiting for the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding its halal aspects.

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Not only that, Airlangga also said that the vaccination scheme is divided into two, namely the government program vaccines which are provided free of charge and the independent vaccines provided for a fee.

"Detailed rules for the two schemes will be published in the next one or two weeks with increasing discipline in implementing health protocols through 3M and 3T," he explained.

Vaccination Accelerates Economic Recovery

Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo said the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country would accelerate Indonesia's economic recovery. This is because the availability of vaccines and the application of health protocols are the main conditions in realizing economic recovery from the pressure of the crisis due to COVID-19.

"I explained that there is one prerequisite, namely vaccination and the discipline of the COVID-19 protocol. Because indeed the epicenter of the problems we face is COVID-19," he said in a virtual discussion, Monday, December 7.

Perry assessed that the government's steps to order vaccines and vaccinate in the near future will further build optimism for economic recovery in the country.

"Insyaallah (the government) will vaccinate in the near future," he explained.

Perry said, the central bank also contributed by helping to finance the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine through burden sharing with the government. This synergy is expected to continue to improve economic prospects, especially in the next year, along with the implementation of disciplined health protocols in the community.

"With the prerequisite conditions (vaccination and health protocol discipline), economic and financial activities will gradually improve and will improve the prospects for economic recovery," he said.

Investors are Confident to Invest in Indonesia

The Indonesian Indigenous Entrepreneurs Association welcomes the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia. The presence of this vaccine raises a glimmer of hope for entrepreneurs to organize and rebuild their businesses.

Chairman of DPD HIPPI DKI Jakarta Province, Sarman Simanjorang, said that for almost nine months the Indonesian economy had collapsed and stagnated which resulted in a drastic decrease in people's purchasing power. Due to this condition, employers are forced to terminate their employment (PHK), even many MSMEs have collapsed.

Sarman said, amidst the anxiety and concern of business actors, there is a glimmer of hope with the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine. This makes entrepreneurs feel relieved and optimistic about the acceleration of national economic recovery.

"Lately, the psychology of business actors has been very disturbed to see the number that has been exposed is getting higher. However, with the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, there is confidence and belief that next year our economy will slowly begin to stretch and grow positively," he said, in a statement. written receipt received by VOI, Monday, December 7.

Grand Indonesia Mall. (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

The Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta Kadin Advisory Council also said that the presence of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country will make the community psychologically recover. That way, people are not afraid to do activities outside the home.

"Do not feel afraid to leave the house in carrying out various activities. As well as our middle class who have been saving money, will start investing and shopping. This will increase household purchasing power or consumption," he explained.

Sarman said that his party invited all elements of society to support and succeed in the COVID-19 vaccination for the safety and health of all parties and the future of the Indonesian economy.

"With the success of this vaccination, it will certainly increase market confidence and investors to immediately invest in Indonesia," he said.

With the entry of investment, said Sarman, employees who were laid off and were sent home could work again and those who were unemployed also had the opportunity to find work.

"Also for entrepreneurs who have the ability to be able to succeed in the vaccination program independently. Even through the CSR program it can help the surrounding community to vaccinate for COVID independently. So that this government program can be faster and evenly distributed," he said.

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