Have Great Potential, Erick Thohir: Empowerment Of Santri And Islamic Boarding Schools Must Be Supported By All Parties

Chairman of the Islamic Economic Community (MES) Erick Thohir said the empowerment of santri and pesantren must be supported by all parties, especially by the government.

The reason, said Erick, is because students and pesantren have great potential. This potential can be optimized to encourage the progress of the Indonesian nation.

"Efforts to encourage the empowerment of santri and pesantren must of course be supported by all of us and especially by the government. Because students and pesantren store great potential that we can optimize," said Erick at the National Santri Day event held by the Central MES virtually, Monday, October 31.

The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) explained the important role of students.

He said, the historical record of the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the role of santri. In fact, since before Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945.

Not only that, Erick also assessed that santri and pesantren were able to enforce the beacon of civilization and advance the motors of the people's economy.

"Even now we have Mr. Vice President Mr. KH. Maruf Amin who is also a student. This proves that students can realize their dreams to whatever the students come from, of course, work as much as possible," he said.

Erick said, this year's National Santri Day has the theme "Having the Empowerment of Maintaining Humanity."

The theme, according to Erick, raises the message that students must be empowered, mobilize all their efforts in learning, socializing and working as superior and dignified human resources (HR) for the nation and state.

"As an inclusive organization, the Islamic Economic Community is well aware of this, for that from the start when the Vice President encouraged us members of the management of the Islamic Economic Community to really strive to advance the people's economy, this is a part that we must carry out together," he said.