How To Kill Data On Android Phones, So As Not To Steal

JAKARTA - The more technology develops, smartphone users are required to more extra protect their personal data on the device. This is to ensure their information remains safe and does not fall into the wrong hands.

And, securing personal data on a cellphone is certainly not difficult, because there are many simple ways you can do the following below.

1. Always Update Operational Systems (OS)

By updating your operating system it is believed to be able to patch known security vulnerabilities and fix bugs. However, if you are not someone who is diligent in updating OS to the latest version, it is certain that your phone is open to weaknesses that can expose personal data to criminals.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

To add a second layer of security to your Android account to prevent your password from being stolen, you need to enable two-factor Authentication or 2FA. With this feature, once you enter a password, a second message is sent to another device asking to verify that you are trying to log in.

2FA adds a little more time for your login process, but provides an extra layer of security.

3. Use Password Manager

If you have trouble remembering some passwords and creating unique passwords for each account, password managers can help.

This utility can work with 2FA, can safely store passwords and automatically fill in login pages. This tool can also protect you from phishing scams that direct you to enter passwords into fake websites.

4. Your Android encryption

When your device is encrypted, all data stored on the device is locked behind the PIN code, fingerprint, pattern, or password will be known by the owner. Without that key, Google can't even unlock your device.

5. Delete Your Data from Google

Android is a Google product, so unencrypted device data can be saved on Google servers. You can check with Google to see what data you have, and you can ask Google to delete the data.

The process can take some time, but it's worth the effort, your data can't be stolen if it's not in the system from the start.

6. When Everything fails, Clear Your Phone

If you lose your phone or steal it, you can delete your phone remotely. This removes all data from your phone, so if you have something you want to save, you should get used to backing up your phone on a separate device. This is quoted from CNET, Monday, October 31.