Viral Woman Hanging Baby In Carriage On Back Bar Chair, This Is A Reddit User Reaction

JAKARTA - The photo of a mother putting her baby in a baby carrier and hanging it from the back of a bar stool went viral on Reddit.

The anonymous woman seemed to be enjoying a drink with a man, who knows who, at the bar with her back to the baby hanging on a chair.

No doubt, the photo became the subject of conversation through a thread entitled: "Riding her baby behind a chair."

While it is unclear if the situation is real or if the baby is a doll, people have criticized the woman's behavior. Some people say, what the woman is doing is dangerous.

One person said: "This (baby carrier) is meant to be around someone's arm, so I felt the harness could slip off the seat."

"I don't even do that with my wallet," added another.

The third added: "I treat my backpack with more respect."

Others pointed out that the man who was next to the controversial woman was also to blame.

They wrote: "Don't forget to lash out at the man next to him, even if he isn't the father, he is still a human witness to this nonsense event."

A baby hanging on a bar stool (Photo: Reddit)

Third joke: "How did you know it was the baby? Maybe the last customer left her there accidentally."

However, there were still comments defending the woman's decision.

One of them wrote: "It is tiring to carry a baby all day - he will be fine."

"Honestly, honey looks fine with (hanging like) that," added another. "

Yet others insist that the baby was actually a doll and not a "real baby."
