Tips For Buying A Home For Millennials: This Way Your Dream Will Be A Real

YOGYAKARTA - Right now the hope of buying a house, especially for the millennial generation, may be a difficult obstacle. Are there tips for buying a house for millennials?

In fact, by observing the current price of the house, some are pessimistic about being able to afford it.

Right now, it can be said that houses are primary needs, which are basically more difficult to obtain because the purchase price is high. Then, to carry out installments, there are a number of requirements that must be met.

There are some requirements that must be met, one of which is the minimum salary to be accepted to run credit.

The problem is that now, millennials have prepared to survive cutting their salaries and living frugally for the next few years.

Noting that the price of the house is quite high even to buy a house on credit, the price of the house down payment is still quite large, don't be pessimistic first!

There are some tips for millennials so they can buy their dream house.

Use a mortgage for a long time

The long way you choose to displace in a longer period of time, it can help you to displace each month at a low rate.

The age period with starting at number 2 can get installments for a maximum of 20-25 years.

This is what makes it easier for millennials to receive permission from the mortgage service provider to approve your credit application. This is enough to help the millennial generation to buy a house.

Prepare savings

Discussing about savings, you may have known that by saving a rich base. The language is still visible to the truth.

Based on Chase, in order to have the capital to buy and DP houses, you can collect some of your income to save.

Now many banks in Indonesia have provided saving facilities.

You can turn on future savings services by setting aside some income to save. Then, the savings collection is adjusted according to the time span you specify yourself.

Count your ability to save every month and make sure how long you save so that it meets the amount of DP for the purchase of a house. Then, make sure you save on a fixed basis.

You can also save with the auto-invest method this facility will cut your funds automatically which are invested in mutual funds that you have chosen from the start.

Using home DP credit services

Now there are service providers to credit money for the DP of the house in the span of 12-24 times.

With this method, you can buy a house without fear of not having a DP to run a mortgage.

Quoting from Ramsey Solutions, you can consider implementing DP services when you want to buy a house.

After overcoming the installments for the home down payment, therefore you can try to apply for a home loan.

As long as your home DP payments run smoothly, you will most likely get approval from mortgage service providers.

However, there are some weaknesses in this method, when you can't pay the installments of the house, the DP money will be burned.

This is one of the risks of displacing DP houses that you can do but, generally adapted to your and related agreements.

Buying and contraging

This step you can take when you have a DP to buy a house and the mortgage has been approved.

Then, this step can also be carried out when the house you purchased is ready to live in.

When you pay the DP for it, you can already occupy that house.

At that time, you can sign your house and finally it can be applied to pay the next house installments.

This system can be done when a house is ready to live in, you buy a house for investment and still live at home with your parents.

As well as the DP to buy a house has been owned and has received permission to run the house installments.

Work with companies that make it easier for you to go home

If by chance or intentionally you get work at a company in collaboration with a mortgage, it will be easier.

As a company that makes it easier for mortgages, of course, it will be easier for you to buy a house.

However, joining this company requires various tests that must be carried out and the requirements needed are not an easy requirement.

Even though it's difficult, it doesn't mean it can't be achieved.

Even though now having a home requires a fairly large tariff, don't be pessimistic, especially for the millennial generation.

After many systems and solutions to be able to receive a home by going through some of the above systems.

So after knowing tips for buying a house for millennials, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!