Champions Of The 2022 Antarwartawan And Corporate Biliar Tournaments, Achieved A Total Prize Of Tens Of Millions

JAKARTA - Suwondo (Radar, Nicko (Khatulistiwa.News), Hengky T (Delima Ping) and Adi Seno (PLN), became the best of the 2022 Antarwartawan and Corporate Biliar Tournament which ended Sunday night, October 30 at Mega Pluit Village, Penjaringan, North Jakarta.
Suwondo in the final outperformed Nicko 4-0, while Hengky had to be more "all out" to beat Adi Seno 3-2.
For his success, Suwondo is entitled to the PB POBSI General Chairperson Hary Tanoesoedibjo and the main prize of Rp. 5 million. Cups and prizes of Rp. 4 million and Rp. 3 million, respectively, were charged byrais and Hengky. Meanwhile, Adi Seno brought home a prize of Rp. 2 million.
Ranking 5-8 from the tournament that provided a total prize of IDR 14 million was continuously occupied by Gema (FIN), Rendi (RTV), Johny (Kalbe Farma) and Arief T (
The participants appreciated the event organized by Aby Bahana from the Journalist Billiard Club (JBC). They participate without being subject to registration fees, and get lunch.
The 2022 Antarwartawan and Corporate Biliar Tournament for the Hary Tanoesoedibjo Cup was closed by the Secretary General of PB POBSI Robby Suarly representing the General Chairperson of PB POBSI Hary Tanoesoedibjo who officially opened the morning tournament.
Participants and committees of billiard tournaments between journalists and corporations of the Hary Tanoesoedibjo Cup may be proud. The reason is, this is the first time HT, Hary Tanoesoedibjo's nickname, has opened a tournament at a billiards house.
So far, the General Chairperson of PB POBSI has opened a tournament always at the POBSI Biliar Puslatnas at Green Garden, West Jakarta.
"Pak HT is only pleased to open a tournament at a billiards house. Pak HT is happy because Mille Billiards is child and family friendly. In the venue, you are not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, drugs and gambling," said Robby Suarly in his remarks when closing the tournament.
"This proves Pak Hary Tanoesoedibjo's concern and concern at this event," said Robby Suarly, who was once the number one Indonesian billiard player in the 1980-1990s era.
Second, said the national billiard legend, HT also supports if national and international events are held at the Mille Billards.
Meanwhile, Aby Bahana, Chair of the Antarwartawan and Corporate billiards Tournament Committee, said participants were looking for a race to three, or looking for three wins in the preliminary round.
Then in the semifinals and the finals look for four wins or race to four.
"This tournament was attended by 82 participants. 62 from the media, 20 representatives from corporations," explained Aby, who has served at the "Pos Kota" for a long time.
Aby stated that JBC is trying to help PB POBSI in inflame and re-developing billiards under the leadership of Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
"This tournament is also a selection arena for the formation of billiards teams in several areas for Porwanas 2022, on November 20-26 in Malang Raya, East Java," said Aby.
The winners of this tournament received a total prize of IDR 14 million, and various other interesting prizes. The committee also distributed dozens of "door prizes" to the participants.
The national billiard community and a number of countries such as Malaysia and Singapore had the opportunity to witness this tournament live through RCTI streaming.
Aby appreciated the support from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, GIS, Artha Graha Peduli (AGP), AGN, Bulog, Telkom Indonesia, BRI, Djarum Foundation, Hormovitone, Pupuk Indonesia, Carabao Billiards Indonesia, Milles Billiards, and MNC Groups.